New York Daily News

I would never allow my kids in the locker room. ... the clubhouse is a place for adult men who do and say things that are not appropriat­e for kids.


MAJOR LEAGUE Baseball clubhouses are no place for kids, according to Kirk Radomski — and he should know, since he spent a lot of time in the Mets locker room when he was a teenager.

Radomski says he thinks it’s great that Adam LaRoche is willing to retire — and walk away from a $13 million contract — after the White Sox brass told him he needed to limit his 14-year-old son Drake’s visits to the clubhouse. But big-league locker rooms, Radomski says, are hardly family-friendly environmen­ts.

“I would never allow my kids in the locker room,” says Radomski, the father of a 17-year-old daughter. “I saw too much at an early age. I understand LaRoche wants to be a good father but the clubhouse is a place for adult men who do and say things that are not appropriat­e for kids.”

Radomski, best known as the man who provided performanc­e-enhancing drugs to dozens of ballplayer­s and as the primary source for former Sen. George Mitchell’s 2007 report on baseball and steroids, was just 15 years old in 1985 when he started working at Shea Stadium as a clubhouse attendant. The 1980s Mets won just one World Series but they led MLB in debauchery and Radomski says he saw plenty of X-rated behavior during his tender teen years. In his memoir “Bases Loaded,” Radomski wrote about women he says “serviced” players in the bullpen during games. He told the Daily News Thursday that he also saw players fooling around with female fans in the clubhouse — sometimes even during games.

“The way the players treated women, that was the biggest thing,” Radomski says. “I was raised by my (single) mother so I learned to respect women. But for most of these

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