New York Daily News




MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Your ruler Mars, sits in Sagittariu­s, a fellow fire sign, and goes retrograde this weekend, as it does every two years. You may feel passionate about life right now, but don’t get despondent if things don’t move as fast as you’d like. These next two months are excellent to get plans in place.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 It’s important to be with like-minded people, those who have the same morals, goals and dreams, who inspire you to strive to be a better person. Especially when life is moving you to new heights! And if it takes longer than you’d like, don’t give up, have faith.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 Mars in your opposite sign, the area of relationsh­ips, enters its retrograde transit. And with Saturn also retrograde in this same area, life and love can feel like you are moving forward with the hand break on. Take a chill pill and try not to force anything.


JUNE 21-JULY 22 Before you can relax you have to get business matters settled first. However, with Mars in your area of productivi­ty going retrograde, you could feel scattered. Make a plan and try to stick to it, but don’t give yourself a hard time if you don’t get everything finished


JULY 23-AUG. 22 Life is a balancing act and this weekend is no different. With Mars going retrograde, it is likely you will need to wait for someone else to make their move before you can make yours. Keep in mind that when you work together, a great deal can be accomplish­ed.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Your attention is focused mostly on family now, and with Mars in this area of your life going retrograde this weekend, there will be no sense in trying to force things to come together. Take a back seat, for now, and see what develops.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 With the energy of Mars going retrograde in your area of communicat­ion you may not be able to get the answers you seek, particular­ly if it is business related. And with Saturn in the same area also retrograde, makes it a perfect time for planning.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 With Mars going retrograde, your coruler, the energy will have a strong effect on your life and how you feel about things, particular­ly in regard to love and money. With money, be careful of impulsive spending. And with love, avoid being jealous or possessive.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 As a go-getter fire sign, you don’t want to allow yourself to be held back by anything; but with Mars in your sign going retrograde, things may not move as fast as you want them to. Sometimes, life has it’s own agenda, and you just have to go with it, rather than fight against it.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 This weekend, with Mars going retrograde in the sign before yours, is a good time to contemplat­e your next move. Collaborat­ing with others is positive now, for business and social, but this weekend, plans can be unsettled, so don’t lock your schedule in too tightly.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Right now, with Mars about to go retrograde, friends can be unpredicta­ble; so don’t take anything as settled without first confirming arrangemen­ts. Reach out to others, but don’t neglect your responsibi­lities; aim for a balanced life, where you can attend to priorities.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Mars in your tenth house of career about to go retrograde, along with Saturn also retrograde in this area, which can cause frustratio­ns. If you have work to do, don’t get irritated trying to push through if things are simply not coming together. Be flexible.

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