New York Daily News

Rape claim ‘false’: Trump


THE DEVIL might wear Prada, but GOP presidenti­al hopeful Ted Cruz is “Lucifer in the flesh,” said former House Speaker John Boehner.

Boehner, also a Republican, offered up the blunt descriptio­n when asked what he thought of the Texas senator at an event Wednesday at Stanford University — making a face to express his distaste — the Stanford Daily reported.

“I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life,” said Boehner, who stepped down as speaker last year.

Boehner said he would not vote for Cruz in the general election even if he became the Republican nominee.

Cruz, who is widely disliked by his colleagues in Congress, on Thursday said Boehner had “allowed his inner Trump to come out” and charged his comments “reveal everything that is wrong and corrupt about Washington.”

“If you’re wondering who has actually stood up to Washington, I think John Boehner has made it crystal clear,” Cruz said.

“I’ve never worked with John Boehner. The truth of the matter is I don’t know the man. I’ve met John Boehner two or three times in my life. If I have said 50 words in my life to John Boehner, I’d be surprised, and every one of them has consisted of pleasantri­es,” he said.

Boehner has far more civil relationsh­ips with the other two Republican­s still in the 2016 presidenti­al race. He said he is “texting buddies” with Donald Trump, and the pair have golfed together for years.

And he has a soft spot for the third Republican still in the race, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, he said. “(Kasich) requires more effort on my behalf than all my other friends,” he said without elaboratin­g. “But he’s still my friend, and I love him.”

 ??  ?? Former House Speaker John Boehner, a fellow Republican, says Ted Cruz is lord of the underworld.
Former House Speaker John Boehner, a fellow Republican, says Ted Cruz is lord of the underworld.

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