New York Daily News

A shoutout for News by an abuse vic


- BY STEPHEN REX BROWN sbrown@nydailynew­

AN ADVOCATE and sex abuse survivor hailed the Daily News’ front page Tuesday as a welcome boost to the expanding effort to reform laws protecting child predators.

Brian O’Leary, who lobbied legislator­s in Albany last week, said the call to action gave him hope.

“In the past weeks I have sent out 7,100 emails to educators across the state hoping it will do some good and at times getting disillusio­ned. Then I see the cover of the New York Daily News with the governor and (Assembly) Speaker (Carl) Heastie and (Senate Majority Leader John) Flanagan and my backbone hardens and I march forward knowing someday I will be able to stand and cheer,” he said, choking up.

O’Leary (photo), who says he endured years of sexual abuse as a child, emailed more than 300 people about The News’ front page and shared it on Facebook. It listed the office telephone numbers for Cuomo, Flanagan and Heastie, urging readers to call them out for not passing a bill that would eliminate the statute of limitation­s for child sex abuse claims.

“I’m basically sending it out to anyone and everyone,” said O’Leary, 58, who lives in Ulster County and is active with the advocacy group Male Survivor.

He was such a big fan of the front page he wished he could put it on a billboard.

O’Leary says he was sexually abused as a child by a neighbor, leaving him with lifelong trauma. He attempted suicide four times. His abuser is dead, O’Leary said.

“I’m not in this for the money,” he said, referring to civil claims some victims would be able to bring if the statute of limitation­s is changed.

He added, regarding his abuser: “Most of my life I would say he won — I would like to be able to say on this, I won.”

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