New York Daily News

HELP aplenty for N.Y. homeless


Manhattan: How is it news that HELP USA provides shelter to 6% of NYC’s homeless people and had 6% of the critical incidents reported in 2015 (“A living hell at gov-tied shelters,” May 8)? How is it news that homeless families experience high rates of domestic violence? How is it news that decades-old shelters have code violations, particular­ly after recent inspection blitzes by city and state?

The real news is that HELP USA has responded quickly and effectivel­y to these challenges, as evidenced by the nonprofit’s recent success reducing outstandin­g violations, and by the city’s continued confidence in contractin­g with HELP USA to serve vulnerable New Yorkers. The real news is that both Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio have made significan­t new commitment­s to expand permanent housing opportunit­ies for homeless people, while also allocating substantia­l resources to improve conditions in the shelter system.

When it was built almost 30 years ago, HELP 1 was a great improvemen­t over existing shelters. Like all older buildings, it now needs to upgrade physical conditions, create a more nurturing environmen­t and better integrate residents into the surroundin­g community.

Ted Houghton, president, Gateway Housing

Clean it up

Manhattan: To those who expressed concern for excess garbage in the city, I totally agree. Let’s start with a sweep of the City Council. Beatrice Gross

No respect

North Massapequa, L.I.: Plastic bags should be eliminated because of their bad impact on the environmen­t when they are not disposed of properly. If people took a little pride in their neighborho­ods and did not throw garbage in the street, assuming someone else will clean it up, we wouldn’t have a major problem with them ending up in trees and other places they don’t belong. Charging 5 cents for a bag will only help the stores offset the cost of buying them. The slobs who don’t care about their neighborho­od will still throw them in the street. John Reed

Big bag boom

Long Island City: The tax (fee) on plastic bags hasn’t been checked out by City Council members. I would like to see all the names of those who voted for and against. I know firsthand that when this tax was introduced in Ireland, it started at 15 cents and is now at 22 cents. Beware of what you vote for if you like your jobs.

Joseph O’Connor

Dear City Council

Brooklyn: Voicers Eileen McManus, Jean Hampsas and Pete Morrissey should take plastic bags and stick them over the heads of Melissa Mark-Viverito and the other City Council members who voted this 5-cent bag fee into law. Maybe then Council members will realize this law is more stupid than they are. If these sorry excuses for politician­s are so concerned about the environmen­t, they can use these bags for suppositor­ies and then charge themselves the nickel fee.

Joseph Savino

Dislike for bikes

Brooklyn: Congratula­tions to Voicer Eva Kloot on her knowledge of the holiday calendar. And with all that knowledge at hand, the question remains: Why couldn’t the bike tour have been reschedule­d to another Sunday that was not a holiday celebratio­n? Just saying. Marie Walsh

Family vs. family

Staten Island: Reporter Cameron Joseph spent some time digging up dirt on Donald Trump’s daughter’s father-in-law that really has no value except to make Trump look like he is in bed with this guy. Why not have Joseph delve into the background of Hillary Clinton’s daughter’s father-in-law? I hear he has a tainted past, which should have some light thrown on it. Let’s be fair and throw the horse crap in both directions.

Michael Modafferi

Once again, with feeling

Bronx: To Voicer Norma Fairly, who described Donald Trump so vividly: Don’t beat around the bush. Tell us how you really feel.

Mary Ann Guarneri

Party buzz kill

Kew Gardens: Members of the Republican Party are faced with a Faustian bargain: whether to sacrifice the soul of their party in order to win the White House. It will be interestin­g to see which members accept the bargain and which refuse it. Glenn Hayes

Salute to Churchill

New Hyde Park, L.I.: Thank you, Rick Wilson (“Never Means Never,” Op-Ed, May 8) for suggesting that the invasion of Trumpism should be met with the courage of Winston Churchill, who at great risk ordered the retreat to Dunkirk. Would that we had the wisdom of like leaders at this critical juncture.

Joan Hauprich

Replay the replay

Yonkers: I enjoyed Bob Raissman’s column “Let’s review: Voices on spot” (May 10). Here’s an additional thought: MLB should never have allowed replay using any speed slower than the actual speed the umpires had at their disposal when they made (or missed) the actual call on a play in question. After all, if the umps had slo-mo, they would likely make no mistakes in the first place.

John Horan

Lopsided Lupica

Staten Island: So Mike Lupica, who cannot say anything nice about the Yankees, writes about the empty seats at Yankee Stadium (“That empty feeling,” May 8). Look at this year’s attendance and you will see the Yanks have better attendance than the Mets. Where is that article? Oh, that’s right, Lupica can’t say anything bad about the Mets since he is in their pocket. Ray Magnuski

In the swim

Eau Claire, Wis.: My two sons both took baby water-safety lessons at the YMCA when they were just 6 months old. We lived on a lake and I knew the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. They learned and reacted just like the baby in the video (“Ma’s baby sink stink,” May 10). I realize it looks frightenin­g to see such a young child being pushed into the water, but there should be some comfort in knowing that this child is floating with her face up, breathing and perfectly safe. Now imagine that child floating face down, dead. How many negative incidents have taken place at swimming lessons, and how many children have died without them? Shame on anyone who criticizes this life-saving program. Mary Alice Light

Bad app

Flossmoor, Ill.: Re “Weight Watchers targeted by class action lawsuit” (Jan. 8): The Weight Watchers app is horrible! I feel like I’m being cheated because the system is down way too much. I can’t follow the program if I can’t calculate my points. Three months of this is making me angry and frustrated. Deidra Cayolle

Lane-change signal

West Haven, Conn.: The summer driving season is upon us, and New York and New Jersey drivers will be heading north for vacation. On behalf of all Connecticu­t drivers, I have a small request: Please do not get in the left lane at the Connecticu­t border and stay there until Rhode Island! In Connecticu­t, the left lane is the passing lane, the middle lane is the travel lane and the right lane is the slow lane. How do you know you’re in the wrong lane? If you are being passed on the right. If you look in your rearview mirror and there are 53 cars behind you. If you are being tailgated (the impolite way to ask you to move) or lights are flashed (the polite way). Marty Northam

Signs of the times

Hollis: Ever since the Black Lives Matter movement and its contingent­s have emerged with their clenched fists thrust up in the air, many folks seem to think (especially whenever a black person makes such a gesture) that it is a sign of aggressive defiance against whatever the status quo may be. But when other people who are not of the same racial background flash their two-finger V-shaped sign (as supposedly a sign of peace or victory), they are not ridiculed or questioned about their hand gestures. Ali Abdul-Perez

To life

Mellott, Ind.: I’m against death threats, but all for veganism.

Roberta Claypool

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