New York Daily News




aPRil 20-may 20 you are a perfection­ist, especially where business is concerned, and everyone knows it. a stickler to do things right, your work ethic outshines your colleagues. and with all the energy in your sign right now, you can move forward with confidence. Don’t let anything hold you back.


may 21-jUNe 20 at this time, the focus is on your home and personal life and, with all the planetary activity, it is wise to get ready for anything to happen. However, don’t feel you have to make a decision just to fit in with someone else’s deadline. Do what’s right for you.


jUNe 21-jUly 22 There are times when, to keep the peace, you have to share some personal informatio­n but, basically, your personal or profession­al business is not for public consumptio­n! However, you can confide in someone who is important to you, someone you trust.


jUly 23-aUG. 22 if you hold onto past hurts in the love department, it can stop you from embracing a new romance. and even though your focus in mainly on business and finance now, remember, it is wise to have balance in your life. Focus on business but don’t neglect your personal life.


aUG. 23-sePT. 22 if you want to get ahead in life, you have to be dedicated to follow through to make your goals a reality. Follow the signposts, chance meetings and coincidenc­es in life that tell you that you’re on the right path. Believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams!


sePT. 23-oCT. 22 life can get busy, libra, especially as you do need a certain amount of time to mull things over before coming to a firm decision or a plan of action. Use the current energy to connect with those you resonate with. when you click with someone, you know it is right.


oCT. 23-Nov. 21 you are in a new love phase, one where following your heart is vital. you have to stay focused or you can lose sight of what’s important. if looking for romance, don’t give up on your dreams. love goddess venus in your love zone heightens intimate energy.


Nov. 22-DeC. 21 even if you want to offer a lending hand to someone, you have too much on your own plate to deal with. Fiscal matters need your attention and productivi­ty is the key to success now. and with your ruling planet jupiter back in phase in your career zone, lucky breaks head your way.


DeC. 22-jaN. 19 Planetary placements work in your favor romantical­ly, and can encourage relationsh­ips of an intimate nature. with venus in your solar fifth house, the energy helps you socialize and mix with like-minded people. This is an intense time when things can magically fall into place.


jaN. 20-FeB. 18 your bank account could get a timely boost, and how you manage your finances are up for review. But don’t feel you have to help someone constantly with his or her money matters. Be there for someone as support, but keep your spare cash for your own needs.


FeB. 19-maRCH 20 venus is in your solar third house, which governs communicat­ion, opens the door for you to connect with someone on an intellectu­al level. it also provides the energy to have a heart-to-heart with someone to let hem know how you feel, how you ‘really’ feel – don’t miss this chance.


maRCH 21-aPRil 19 as a fire sign, your independen­t and driven nature knows no bounds either in the private or the business area of your life. There is a lot influencin­g your sign, planetary interactio­ns that can kick-start your life, both in your personal and profession­al arenas.

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