New York Daily News

Berners, it’s Clinton or we all suffer


also noting the “sophistica­tion of the hack.”

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tried to downplay Russia’s role Tuesday — telling NBC News “there was no proof whatsoever” the leaks came from America’s old Cold War enemy.

DNC servers have long been fertile ground for hackers, Assange said, and many of its internal documents and emails have been circulatin­g through various groups for some time.

“The real story is what these

DWow, this is hard for me to write. Like millions of supporters of Bernie Sanders, I have not quite gotten over his loss to Hillary Clinton.

I didn't expect it to sting this bad, but for me, Bernie wasn't just another politician or candidate, but a rare leader who means what he says, keeps his word and takes bold risks.

I feel like Bernie was a game changer.

Perhaps more importantl­y, to this day I feel like Bernie would have been a much better opponent for Donald Trump than Hillary, and I am disgusted that the Democratic establishm­ent clearly did everything in their power to make sure Bernie didn’t win.

In the end, though, Bernie lost on votes. I won’t quite say he lost “fair and square” — because everything wasn’t fair or square, but I am convinced, as are my closest friends in his campaign, that if everything was fair and

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