New York Daily News



The Olympics are dumb, dangerous and downright ridiculous — and it’s about time we put an end to the whole hot mess.

The Games used to be a thing of beauty and inspiratio­n. But then corporatio­ns got involved and it quickly devolved into a slop pit of corporate greed, endless scandal and doped-up/ juiced-up pro athletes competing in a limitless array of numbskull categories. Some are so lame that even the Russians wouldn’t bother doping up for them.

Badminton, table tennis, synchroniz­ed swimming, laser pointing? Can you imagine juicing for any of that?

There are now 28 different categories and something like 41 different sports at the Summer Olympics in Rio, and that’s not counting running from Zika mosquitoes.

And there has been a scandal at every Summer Games since 1908, more political boycotts than events, (which are supposed to be nonpolitic­al) and enough Olympic-shaming to satisfy everyone.

Recent scandals have ranged from the truly stupid — China making the cute kid lip-sync the opening song because the real kid wasn’t cute enough — to the disgracefu­l like this year’s massive Russian doping scandal.

Mostly, it’s the opening and closing ceremonies that make the whole thing unbearable for me with the marching in uniforms and fireworks.

Did you say uniforms? Oh, well, I might just have to have the smallest peek. I mean, I can’t miss seeing Iran’s already maligned, Gestapo-looking coats, and Georgia’s unfortunat­e fat Heidi dresses that make even the sleek Olympians look like they’ve had a couple too many sandwiches.

This time around, we viewers should be the ones boycotting the Olympics.

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