New York Daily News

Needed: Protection for teachers


Fresh Meadows: It is now a felony, punishable by up to seven years in prison, to assault utility workers, bus drivers and many other public-sector employees. They deserve the protection. But under the law, teachers don’t fall into a category meriting such protection. It is classified as a far less serious crime to attack teachers. Why is that? Surely the omission of tens of thousands of city employees cannot be an oversight.

Considerin­g the relatively high level of violence against them by students and irate parents, is it possible lawmakers are missing the forest for the (bloody) trees?

Perhaps teachers are expected to not notice or put up with it in order to prove they are dedicated and care about kids. That wouldn’t be the only prepostero­us expectatio­n of teachers. Are we saying that education is a hazardous-duty job and teachers volunteere­d for combat duty with their eyes open?

Let’s have parity for teachers. Ron Isaac

Trump trumps the Democrats

Santa Fe, N.M.: I’m so sorry you people don’t believe in democracy and think anyone who has different political views from yours shouldn’t run (“Fit for only for ridicule” editorial, Aug. 20). Donald Trump will not be dropping out of the campaign, allowing your candidate — criminal Hillary Clinton — to just take over this republic. You people have had your eight years of extremist, left-wing, food-stamp economics and other Democratic Party failures, which you shoved down the throats of Americans. Now, we want freedom and prosperity again. That requires a Republican. Robyn Schmalz

Il Duce primo

Manhattan: When we vote in November, our choice is between a Mussolini adolescent and a sane adult. Hard to believe how close it is. Al Pollock

Il Duce secondo

Brooklyn: If anyone has or can get a video of Benito Mussolini, you would be very much amazed how alike he and Donald Trump are when addressing the populace, even down to the look on their faces when making a point. I have many VCR tapes on the history of World War II, some of them featuring the Allied and Axis forces. Mussolini addressing the Italian people is among them. I am no great fan of Mrs. Clinton, but I believe she is the lesser of the evils. If Trump gets elected, this is what you will get: It will no longer be “God Bless America,” but “God Save America”!

Robert Rosen

On second thought

Howard Beach: When I first heard that Donald Trump was seriously running for President I thought, great, finally here’s a candidate whom I have admired since he stepped in and saved my beloved Wollman Rink, a real go-getter, good father and native New Yorker who has (as the song goes) “made it here,” someone who just might make America great (again?). Then he started talking. The Donald has revealed (from his own mouth) that he is nothing more than a short-tempered, entitled bully, who is not only unqualifie­d, but unfit to be the leader of the free world. My initial delight at the thought of President Trump turned into fear that our country will become like one of his many failed business ventures — bankrupt. The Donald has talked his way out of my vote.

Christine Gihon

On second thought also

Stroudsbur­g, Pa.: I was a Donald Trump supporter in the beginning, but his vile attacks on various people make me think he is not or never will be the leader of the free world. Every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it. He reminds me of Ralph Kramden of “The Honeymoone­rs.” E.P. Buddin

Charge without basis

Brooklyn: By asking how much the Democratic Party paid Mr. and Mrs. Khan, a Gold Star family, for appearing at the Democratic Convention, Voicer Mary Anselmo insulted and offended the Khans. The Khans did not have to degrade Donald Trump — he is doing a great job of degrading himself every time he opens his big mouth, making fun of the disabled and personally offending everyone who does not agree with him. By the way, only the brain-dead are his supporters.

Rhoda Melendez


Manhattan: To Voicer Mary Anselmo: What proof do you have that the Khan family received any payment from the Democratic Party for appearing at the DNC? Did you lose a son in battle? Why should the Khans be ashamed of what they did? What was your sacrifice that you would say they used their dead son as a weapon against Trump, and, that their son would be ashamed of them? People are brain-dead! Lady, put yourself on that list. Not only have you no respect for the service that boy did, losing his life doing it, but you have no humanity or compassion. Vote for Trump if you want, but when it comes down to just plain decency, you haven’t any. And that doesn’t require the ability to add 2 + 2. It requires common thought and respect. Renee Fineberg

Turned-off page-turner

Manhattan: I have been a reader of your paper for more than 30 years, and a Democrat, but all your paper talks about is Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton or her husband, who apparently must be a saint. I will never buy your paper again, and now I am a Republican. Rocco Sgarlato

Send in the clowns

Kenilworth, N.J.: Last summer, your front-page headline was: “Clown runs for President.” If Trump wins, will your headline be: “Clown became President.” P.S.: I doubt it! Robert Baker

Send in the troops

Jamaica: I had a dream. President Trump, angered by Congress’ refusal to enact his demands, orders the 101st Airborne troops to take into custody all members of the Senate and House of Representa­tives while in session. Members who swear an oath of personal loyalty to him are released. Those who don’t are declared to be enemies of the state and disappear. Or was it a nightmare? Robert T. Gilston

The mouth that roared

Long Island City: How can Donald Trump live in the White House when he now has CDM, otherwise known as Chronic Diarrhea of the Mouth?

Steve Chaddock

The ginger magic

Oak Ridge, N.J.: So Yankee prospect Clint Frazier is a hit on the field and with internet models. Why not, he’s a redhead.

John Lesquereau­x former redhead, now gray

Target criminals, not guns

Woodhaven: More violence. It never seems to stop. After 13 people were shot at a Bridgeport house party, Sen. Richard Blumenthal blamed guns. What he doesn’t comprehend is that making stronger gun laws won’t stop the bad guys from acquiring guns. I pray that most of the states pass these stronger laws so that the country can see how futile they are. Stop the BS and pay attention to where these guns are and then, and only then, take action instead of espousing the same old sorry talking points.

Eleanor Biondo

Hard fact of money

Brooklyn: State Controller Tom DiNapoli reported during the month of July a drop in revenue from last year of more than $1.1 billion, $500 million below initial budget projection­s, due primarily to income tax collection­s being lower than expected. The report attributes these declines to increases for public health programs and Medicaid. If folks are unable to find work (even though recent reports claim that unemployme­nt is down), there is no other choice for them to survive than apply for and receive entitlemen­ts. If tax collection­s are not replenishi­ng the entitlemen­t funds, there will soon be nothing left. Amelia C. Petagna

A bad plan that deserved to fail

Manhattan: Hector Figueroa needs to stop spreading lies (“An anti-building bias we can’t afford” Op-Ed, Aug. 20). There was never a plan for 50% affordable units in the defeated plan, and he knows it. It should also be said that union reps spoke in opposition to Sherman Plaza. Arcadia Management has a poor history of paying substandar­d wages and benefits. They also are known for using nonunion workers. I’m proud of the members of my community for standing up and speaking out. Thank you, Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez, for listening to the needs of your constituen­ts. Figueroa is right about one thing, we can’t afford it. Lori Sommer

The reason to rise

Bluffton, S.C.: Willie Geist is the reason I get up to watch the “Today” show. The program is my go-to show every morning and Willie is a lot of the reason.

Lynne Kelly

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