New York Daily News



France is the only country on Earth where wearing too many clothes is against the law. Muslim women are being harassed and arrested by French police for donning burka-inspired bathing suits called burkinis on French beaches. The burkini covers, well, everything, which right off the bat is as unFrench as fighting back. But on Friday, one French court (the legal kind, not the Marie Antoinette kind) suspended the burkini ban in Villeneuve-Loubet. This in turn sparked fear throughout the country that the Burkini suspension ban would spread faster than Orlando’s Bloom. knowing that because I have the nerve to write for a living, I am a: stupid c--t, a bitch. An ugly fat a-hag (who) “writes s--t about black ppl skin because I’ve got no balls, and only abuse white folk.” I’m also a waste of life, “the real reason this country is so divided,” that I suffer from mental illness, am a waste, a fraud, a left-wing/right-wing hag, “the biggest phony in the writing profession,” so ugly I should drop dead, and failing that, I “should go fold some laundry.” Huh?

I’m also a f---ing “Newspaper writer, not some genius.” “A complete idiot,” a disgrace, a fat loser N-word lover, and a white supremacis­t.

Best? I am a “Dishonest c--t with a love for false equivalenc­y.”

OK, calling me fat-pig-bitch-c--t is one thing, but to say I love false equivalenc­y? That’s a damned lie! I hate false equivalenc­y, whatever the hell that is.

Now, if I may, I would love to return the love to each of you.

Instead of doing anything to improve yourselves, you waste your lives online spewing hatred, misogyny and racism. How ’bout getting off your asses and doing something to improve the world?

You have declared open warfare on women like Jones because she’s black, a woman, accomplish­ed. But you really hate her because you aren’t any of those things.

Because you aren’t, you instead insult women by calling them by body parts, and by using ugly sexual references.

You are such dimwits that you think it’s clever to post nonsense like telling women who’ve accomplish­ed much in life to get a life. News flash: If their lives were any bigger, they’d explode. Meantime, you’re the ones writing hate mail to celebritie­s you’ve never met. Seriously, losers: Time you all got a life. Steven Seagal loves him some dictators. The action strongman has gone from fighting strongmen baddies in reel life to eating watermelon with them in his real life. He’s hung with Vlad the Impaler Putin, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, and, last week, with Belarus strongman/President Alexander Lukashenko, aka “Europe’s last dictator.” The citizens of Belarus must be easily entertaine­d because the two sat around chowing down and admiring various fruits and vegetables on state TV. Clearly, Seagal (r.) went for the free eats, since he’s ballooned up so much he looks like fat Drac after a 10-corpse meal.

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