New York Daily News

It’s time to honor dead with JASTA


The families are outraged and disappoint­ed at President Obama’s veto of JASTA and the unsupporta­ble reasons the White House continues to offer as explanatio­n.

No matter how many millions of dollars (upward of $5 million as of today) the Saudis spend lobbying against this legislatio­n, JASTA is a narrowly drawn statute that restores longstandi­ng legal principles that the United States has supported for decades. It will deter terrorism attacks against our nation and hold accountabl­e those nations that support and fund it. As long as there are wellfunded terrorist organizati­ons vowing to kill and destroy us, we will never be safe. By holding accountabl­e the nations that finance designated terrorist organizati­ons like Al Qaeda, which was responsibl­e for training and recruiting the 19 hijackers who attacked us on 9/11, we will diminish the funding to these evil-doers and decrease their ability to carry out heinous terrorist attacks against our country.

Over the last few years, hundreds of family members have traveled to Washington, D.C., on behalf of JASTA, including myself.

This past Tuesday, hundreds attended to protest the impending veto. Many stayed and lobbied Congress for the next two days.

It’s time to honor the dead and protect the living — and override the veto!

To not follow through with an override vote would indicate a serious problem with Congress and their ability to maintain the commitment their unanimous vote has already establishe­d.

They should once again vote yes for JASTA and not yield to pressure from powerful foreign influences looking to escape accountabi­lity.

Strada is the widow of Tom Strada, who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11. She is also the National Chair of the 9/11 Victims’ Families & Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism.

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