New York Daily News

Your Horoscope

- BY Madalyn Aslan

If it’s your birthday

Happy Birthday, gorgeous wordsmith! No one can turn a witty phrase better than you, and over the next year you make an astounding profit from this skill. This allows you to relax and cut up in your personal life which invites greater love, brings down those self-made walls, and makes life much more fun. The real you comes out. Confidentl­y.



Changes are in the air. Others want their way with you – plans have been made – but they fizzle with the drizzle, and you’re happy to stay in your own castle anyway. You deserve it; you’ve been working like a madman. Plus there’s more profit for you in the domestic scene.



You love beautiful things so why shouldn’t you indulge? Particular­ly when friends and lovers look so appetizing. Venus trine Neptune brings them out of the bushes today. It’s like a movie. Romance in the Garden of Good and Evil. Slow down, smell the roses, trust, and let your cup overflowet­h.


MAY 21-JUNE 20

No worries – just talk to family, especially the babies. Including offspring. As they say in la la land: no rain, no rainbows. So relax and watch it work out. Your sign is undervalue­d for its concern and love for others. You care deeply. Today that may even save a life.



Home is where your heart is but if you have a live- in be prepared for some secrets to come out. Partners show several different faces. Your ruler squaring Pluto will stir the pot to fire, so keep the peace and hold tight to your dreams. They make you strong.


JULY 23-AUG. 22

Your brilliant communicat­ions make you money today. Where harmony reigns, she deigns. Material gain in all its forms is won through being nice to old friends, siblings, and neighbors. You shine especially on the internet and by writing about what you value. Romance is foggy so best wait until tomorrow.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22

Everyone is listening to you, so go ahead and say the first word. You are boss today and through your careful choice of language you bring happiness to others. By trusting your own judgment, you will improve general finances. However weird it may sound, If the shoe fits, wear it.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22

Take time to savor yourself: it’s a me day. As you are celebrated publicly you may rest in private. Well- deserved after all you have done. Holding the light and being wise for others is a big job but someone’s got to do it. And remember, you have invisible helpers.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21

Don’t fret about what others say. Just step away. You’re looking fabulous and Moon square Pluto just makes certain people jealous. That’s all. It’s best to stick with your friends and let the rest fall. You are super psychic today so you will be able to circumvent the real crazies.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your superhero success. So Wonder Woman needs to take it easy today and just show up and do the work. Step by step, like a regular mortal. Enjoy the admiring eyes and have fun making future travel plans with loved ones.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19

Financiall­y it’s not all tied up yet, but material woes with others are coming to an end so you will soon feel peace of mind. Commit this weekend to getting away and taking a break. You deserve it! I am gobsmacked by how you have hung in there. Bravo you.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18

You’re dying to dance to your own drum but relationsh­ips and working with others hold the key to your financial success. Plus, there’s that public scrutiny thing. Your ability to enchant others today is so off the charts, you’re practicall­y a hypnotist. Creatively you’re on fire, with wildly brilliant ideas.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20

Venus trine your ruler brings you a lot of love today but beware showing your hand completely. Best to keep your financial luck private. You can get too involved helping others while your own future is still changing daily. Keep your body grounded – and away from dreams, regrets, and addictions.

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