New York Daily News

First, do no harm


In the six-plus years since the Affordable Care Act became law, Republican­s have salivated over the prospect of doing away with Obamacare and put some dream alternativ­e in place. “Repeal and replace,” they’ve said over and over and over again. Now, a united GOP Congress prepares to achieve its dream — passing a budget resolution to repeal the health care law, with an incoming President Trump eager to sign it.

Yet despite the law’s ample flaws and a supposed brain trust in the House, Paul Ryan and his crew still have no better option on the table. Instead, they have a fiction, “repeal and delay” — which would officially end federal subsidies for the program, but delay impact for even more years until the party comes up with . . . something.

Meantime, the prospect of repeal is a live threat to some 20 million previously uninsured Americans — 13 million of them children.

This includes many in Republican-led states like Ohio, where nearly 700,000 are now insured because of ACA-created Medicaid expansion.

In New York, the Cuomo administra­tion estimates that ACA repeal would hammer the budget by at least $3.7 billion.

The Milken Institute estimates repeal of Obamacare could kill as many as 3 million jobs nationwide.

Meanwhile, nearly all Republican­s say they intend to keep popular items like the ban on blocking people with preexistin­g conditions from getting insurance, or allowing individual­s to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26 — two of the costlier parts of the law.

How would that be paid for? The silence is deafening, and pretty soon, hearing loss will no longer be covered.

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