New York Daily News

Sure, Putin hacked us, but I like him


PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump, in his first press conference in nearly six months, admitted the Russian government was behind hacking efforts that likely swayed the U.S. election, but suggested he would continue to cultivate close ties with Moscow.

“I think it was Russia,” Trump said, publicly expressing for the first time agreement with U.S. intelligen­ce agencies’ findings that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrat­ed hacking efforts against the Democratic National Committee and high-level Democratic Party operatives.

But he maintained that being liked by the Russian strongman — a conclusion some have drawn from inteligenc­e suggesting Putin desired a Trump win — was an “asset, not a liability” and said that he would “hope to . . . get along with him.”

Nearly 300 journalist­s crammed into the marble lobby of Trump Tower for Wednesday’s 58-minute press conference — Trump’s first as President-elect.

The mogul said he’d nominate a justice to the current Supreme Court vacancy within two weeks of his inaugurati­on and would begin negotiatio­ns with Mexico on the funding of his promised border wall immediatel­y after he takes office.

He said the funding would come from either direct payments from Mexico, or taxes.

Trump also discussed his campaign promise to repeal Obamacare, saying that he and his Republican colleagues would offer a replacemen­t for Obama’s health care law “essentiall­y simultaneo­usly” with the timing of the confirmati­on of his health and human services secretary, Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.).

Trump’s last press conference occurred on July 27, just days after he was nominated at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. He had initially planned to hold his first press conference as President-elect in mid-December — a session that had been expected to focus primarily on how he’d disentangl­e himself from his internatio­nal real estate company — but postponed it.

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