New York Daily News

Great American $uccess stories


Bayside: I remember laughing when watching Judge Judy as she replied to a litigant who offered bogus testimony: “Do I have stupid written on my forehead?” This certainly applies to “World of loot” (Jan. 17). “Loot” suggests these eight billionair­es came by their fortunes nefariousl­y, instead of through hard work and some breakthrou­gh technology. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have donated billions of dollars to third-world countries to address world poverty. The United Nations and organizati­ons like Catholic Charities have done the same for years. But still the argument persists about inequality, when the real culprit is the government­s of these countries whose real agenda is getting rich on the backs oftheir people instead of uplifting their citizens to a better life.

I thank God every day that I was born in America and that I have the freedom to write this letter and have it printed in a free press. And further that my children and their children have the fredom and opportunit­y to rise against class bigotry and follow their dreams whatever they may be. Constance Dowd

Lock him up

Glendale: If a President not chosen by the people has said himself that he did not pay income taxes to the federal government because he is smart, why then should any other American have to pay any taxes? And now that it has come out that the Russians hacked us and helped rig the election, why isn’t the election being done over again? We the people have no say in anything. They say money can’t buy you love, but it sure can buy your way into the presidency. All the people the President has picked for his cabinet are millionair­es. If a government can vote themselves thousands of dollars in raises, and senior citizens and people with disabiliti­es get a raise of $2 in their Social Security checks, and Russians have a say in the election, we should ask: Who is running this country? And why should we even bother to vote? Donald Trump wanted Hillary Clinton to go to jail because of her emails. Why isn’t he going to jail for tax evasion? Instead he is running our country. What a joke. Tell me, what is the difference between the way Trump will run this country and communism? Laurel Turnbull

A blot on our city

Manhattan: It’s not going to happen. I will never accept that emotionall­y stunted egomaniac as my President. In the America I believe in, bullies don’t win, nor do pathologic­al liars. Nor someone who was enthusiast­ically endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan, let alone someone who was rejected by 53% of the popular vote. I am ashamed and mortified like so many hundreds of millions that this has happened. I stand proudly with my fellow Manhattani­tes, his own neighbors, who voted 90% against him. We had his number a long time ago. Even his buildings, those black monoliths, are obtrusive blots on a beautiful cityscape. (Is it really true that he has gold-plated toilets in his apartment?) We are living in weird times and his ascendancy is the weirdest thing of all — an aberration in our history.

Jefre Harwoods

Off limits

Elmont, L.I.: To Voicer Ron Goodman: How dare you attack a little 10-year-old boy just because his father is now President? I say grow up and pick on someone your own size. Frank P. Castro

Where’s Vlad?

Saddle Brook, N.J.: I would assume that President Trump — it’s very diffcult to write that, much less say it — did not invite Vladimir Putin to his inaugurati­on. Good luck, America!

M.J. Crandall

John gone

Atlantic City, N.J.: I applaud Rep. John Lewis and all the others who chose to spend Jan. 20 doing something positive instead of attending Donald Trump’s inaugurati­on. Sandra Warren

Got what’s coming

Yonkers: As usual, a Daily News front page headline had it backwards with “Trump insults civil rights icon” (Jan. 15). It should have read: “Civil rights icon insults Trump. Calls his presidency illegitima­te. Trump responds tit-for-tat.” You do have some Republican readership, although it’s a dwindling amount.

Norman Wittlin

Non, non, non

Lake Annecy, France: Re “A oui bit rude” (Jan. 1): As a New Yorker who has lived in France for over 30 years, I say that the misconcept­ions that are related can all be explained. Customs vary in different countries, and in France it is very important to say “Bonjour” before you enter in to any conversati­on; otherwise it is you who are considered rude. This is a formality that is considered politeness. That the perception that you arrived 10 minutes early and should be seated at a table reserved for others is ridiculous. People reserve tables where they want to sit and they are reserved for them. Therefor the word “reserved” applies. If I were French and arrived in New York City only knowing how to say “Hello,” I’d be in trouble, too. This reminds me of the couple I overheard at the airport upon arriving in France many years ago. The lady said to her husband: “You mean they don’t use dollars here? what kind of country is this?” It’s their country, and if you can communicat­e with people other than using your hands, it would be useful. Bruce Skilbeck

Own it, Carl

Whitestone: Carl Paladino said his statement about Barack and Michelle Obama had nothing to do with race. That’s like saying swimming in the pool has nothing to do with getting wet. Carl, take responsibi­lity for your stupidity.

Sally DeFelice

A dark place

Flushing: With all the goings on, “Who knows what lurks in the hearts of men” . . . the Shadow knows. Charles J. Lercara

No ethics

Brooklyn: After eight years of doing nothing to help President Obama, the first thing some Republican­s in Congress wanted to do was gut their ethics office. Shame on them; we need it now more than ever. I consider all those involved as big a threat to our democracy as any foreign enemy. Bruce Selfridge

Criminals in the streets

Bronx: Barack Obama made bad decisions along with no decisions, but releasing criminals at the end of eight empty years is a slap in the face to the American people. Linda Ranallo

MLK all the way

Oak Ridge, N.J.: After reading Shaun King’s article on Martin Luther King, Jr., I totally agree (“MLK’s tough truths for the Trump era,” Jan. 16). If all could be judged by who you are instead of what color they are, our country would be stronger. I am a 65-year-old red Irish man.

Kevin Murray

Power outage

Long Island City: I’m in full agreement with Voicer Paul Maddalone: There should have been more than outrage at the way Mayor Mike Bloomberg used his position to make billions of dollars in a city getting very crowded and overbuilt. Why was he given permission to install his company’s computer terminals in Spencer Platt/Getty Images City Hall? Wasn’t this all he needed to put a curtain of secrecy on his many questionab­le business transactio­ns? The strain being put on our outdated power system by this never-ending constructi­on is becoming apparent. Con Ed recently asked its customers to be prepared for power shortages while they do repairs on a breakdown of equipment. It’s time for a full investigat­ion of this greedy billionair­e who is putting our city at risk of utter chaos should there be any measurable sustained power outage.

Euclid Carras

Hail to the wrong chief

Hardwick, N.J.: To Voicer Louis Maiello: William McKinley was not the 22nd President. Grover Cleveland was — and the 24th President too. Jean Hayes East Brunswick, N.J.: Bill Cosby, aka Dr. Cliff Huxtable, is on the verge of criminal indictment pending allegation­s brought forth by a succession of women out of his past, naming Cosby as a date rapist. All the while, Cosby steadfastl­y kept silent, likely awaiting the winds of time to blow away his tribulatio­n. Meanwhile, these words have been floating around the internet: “The many accusation­s heaped upon my aging manhood, tagging me a sex-monger, have made me feel mucho macho and boosted my ego to a personal high. Damn, it’s great to feel young again.”

Salvatore Cannavo

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