New York Daily News

A second opinion on diabetes


Manhattan: Dr. Lewis Maharam’s advice is absolutely wrong and could kill someone (“Running Doc on running and training after a diabetes diagnosis,” Jan. 16). I am diabetic — on insulin — and have run a marathon. You absolutely should not ever go five hours without checking your blood sugar when you are taking insulin and exercising. It could kill you. It doesn’t matter how many times you “practice” or train for a race, there are so many variables that affect your blood sugar. While they may have a perfect plan in place, nerves, temperatur­e, a person’s hormones or an impending illness can change your blood sugar from one day to the next.

This “doctor” states that these elite athletes do not check their blood sugar, and I highly doubt that. But even if so, the average person does not train like an elite athlete and putting this out as common is insane. Consult an endocrinol­ogist please. Absolutely wrong advice.

Tricia Scott

Radio City steps up

Manhattan: Last week, the Voice of the People published my letter recounting my experience of my family’s unsuccessf­ul attempt to obtain a refund on Radio City’s Christmas Spectacula­r tickets when the grandkids became ill — a holiday treat for the family as their dad is away serving in the military. Not long after, I heard from a very kind gentleman (Joe, with customer relations) from MSG Properties about our circumstan­ce. He was very apologetic and extremely generous in offering to provide tickets to my family to a future show when my son-in-law returns from his Middle East deployment. Apparently, seeing my letter prompted them to look into the issue. They were well versed in our request for a refund and that it went through Ticketmast­er, not to them directly, or they would have immediatel­y taken care of us. They instructed the Ticketmast­er folks who handled our request to that effect. Thank you for your involvemen­t and concern.

Tom Reilly

Not so green

Manhattan: President Trump’s pick to lead the Environmen­tal Protection Agency, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, is unfit for the job. As many senators pointed out during Pruitt’s recent confirmati­on hearing, Pruitt’s strong ties to the fossil fuel industry and his record attacking the lifesaving public health standards issued and enforced by the EPA present serious concerns. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand made clean air a top priority during the hearing, calling on Pruitt “to care about human health and really believe that the cost— when human health is at risk, when people are dying — is far higher than the cost to that polluter to clean up the air. I need you to feel it, as if your children sitting behind you are the ones in the emergency room.” We appreciate Gillibrand’s environmen­tal leadership and all of her efforts in support of an EPA that will protect our health and combat the climate crisis.

Council mathematic­s

Long Beach, L.I.: Councilwom­an Helen Rosenthal may want to double-check her numbers (“Spot of slime,” Jan. 19). Assuming the 40-car garage only holds 40 monthly rentals each month total, the actual increase is $1,013.60 not the $10,136 she claims (40 times $25.34). An increase of $1,013.60 would cover approximat­ely three workers’ salary increases under the new minimum wage regulation­s. This story is a bunch of hot air, all because someone forgot their place values. Zach Zaffuto

Parking costs here

Manhattan: I park in an SP Parking Garage located on 176th St. and Broadway. I don’t know if they belong to the same company mentioned in this article; however, we got our parking space price raised without any notificati­on. I spoke to the manager and his reply was that not even the company informed him that the raise was going to go in effect right away. That was the excuse I got when I confronted him. He later said that he was going to take my concerns to the management. After that day he hasn’t told me anything else. I was paying $300 and was raised to $325 without any type of notice. Giuseppe Then

Cancer never ‘wins’

Ashville, N.Y.: Please, please, please: Stop referring to those whose lives ended early due to cancer as “losing their battle” (“Texas woman known for dance moves on ‘Juju on That Chemo’ viral video loses cancer battle,” Jan. 19). “Losing” to cancer means that cancer won, and as a sister of a beautiful 41-year-old woman who has been dealing with a serious Stage 4 colorectal cancer diagnosis for the past year, I would never allow cancer to be considered the winner. She, like Ana-Alecia Ayala, has risen above cancer, enduring innumerabl­e treatments, surgeries and unimaginab­le pain. And she managed to smile through so much of it. To handle bad news with grace and optimism, and the occasional good news with gratitude. She managed to continue going to work every day even as cancer took over her liver and she turned yellow and her belly and her legs swelled, until the need to take pain medication­s made working impossible. Say that she died after living with cancer, but please don’t say that she lost. She lived. Lisa Miller

How we got here

Pinehurst, N.C.: Donald Trump was swept into office, and Republican­s maintained their majorities in Congress, because Americans were sick of Obamacare. It raised premiums. It raised deductible­s to catastroph­ic levels. Who can afford a $6,000 or $12,000 deductible? Insurance companies are withdrawin­g coverage in many states. Since 2010, Congress voted over 60 times to repeal parts or all of it. However, President Obama would have vetoed a full repeal. Now is the time for Republican­s to keep their promise to repeal Obamacare. Congress must keep faith with the American voters. Some people say that repeal will leave people without coverage, but repeal bills typically contain transition periods. Immediatel­y after repeal, Congress should pass the replacemen­t bills, in clear understand­able terms, not hiding or burying any provisions. Congress should boldly go before the American people to explain the bills, forged for a free people. Call Congress at (202) 224-3121 to tell your senators and representa­tives to repeal Obamacare now. Peggy Smetana

Think good thoughts

Staten Island: President Trump. The stars, the moon, the sun will not fall from the sky. The Earth will still rotate on its axis. The country will survive and be better off and great days will be here again. Rolly A. Lessin

Desk doody

Charlotte, N.C.: President Truman was known to have a desktop sign stating, “The Buck Stops Here.” The Donald’s sign should say, “The BS Starts Here.”

Ronald Turek

Voicer concerns

Manchester, N.J.: I’ve learned to accept the bigoted letters printed from Drumpf supporters, since they are truly deplorable. But two letters in Wednesday’s Voice of the People should really give us pause. Seventy-seven-year-old Voicer Ann Hampton starts out reminiscin­g about the way baseball used to be as opposed to how it’s played today. Beards, role models, uniform styles. And, apparently, Hispanics. She questions the punishment handed out for Jeurys Familia and Jose Reyes for their domestic violence cases, which is a fair point, but goes out of her way to comment on some players learning English and giving “some young nice boy a chance.” “Young nice boy” being code for, well you know. And Voicer Gary Birgy seems to be doing his best Pat Robertson impression, writing about the Bible’s fictional God allowing ISIS to create violence and death by granting them “free will.” How did President Trump miss this guy? Charles Morgan

No-nuke News, please

Waldwick, N.J.: Did you truly and honestly, in this day and age, print a letter from someone encouragin­g North Korea to bomb Hollywood during the Oscars? Is there nothing you won’t print in this Voice of the People?

Jacqueline Robb

Don’t be so sure

Little Ferry, N.J.: To Voicer Harvey Stoneburne­r: If the Daily News gave out awards for the most insane letter, yours — that Donald Trump’s election will cause our extinction — would win hands down. Jeff Gross

Another coverup

AP Brookfield, Conn.: To Voicer Harvey Stoneburne­r: I think your tinfoil hat is on too tight. It’s cutting off the circulatio­n to your brain. Fred Schoenebor­n

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