New York Daily News

Truth or no consequenc­es


President Trump and his media team are off to a rousing start with falsehoods that they spin as “alternativ­e facts.”

Fact: The Trump swearing-in drew 31 million viewers on TV — the third-largest viewership for an inaugurati­on — and the D.C. crowds were smaller than those drawn by Barack Obama in 2009 or 2013.

Alternativ­e fact: “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inaugurati­on — period — both in person and around the globe,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

Fact: Trump has repeatedly lashed out at the CIA over the Russia election hacking scandal, and on Twitter asked about intelligen­ce leaks, “Are we living in Nazi Germany?” after a blackmail dossier emerged on Trump.

Alternativ­e fact: Trump said the media invented the idea of a feud between him and the spy agency over intelligen­ce.

Fact: Rain fell throughout Trump’s 18-minute inaugurati­on speech.

Alternativ­e fact: Trump said he dodged Friday’s rain getting hit by only “a couple of drops” and that “it poured after I left.”

Fact: At Obama’s last inaugurati­on, 782,000 riders entered Washington’s Metro system.

Alternativ­e fact: Spicer said Trump drew a bigger train crowd, 420,000 for Trump and 317,000 for Obama.

Fact: Richard Nixon has appeared on the cover of Time more than anyone else in the magazine’s history.

Alternativ­e fact: Trump bragged that “we have the all-time record” as a cover subject.

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