New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Happy Birthday, energizer bunny! Your mind moves a mile a minute, as does your heart. You shoot off ideas like lightning bolts from your fingers. You’re magical! You share your birthday with true purists Chuck Yeager, Kim Novak, Oliver Reed, Stockard Channing and Peter Gabriel. Internatio­nal travel is lucky for you this year, bringing money, and you are challenged to be part of a social cause larger than yourself. Before exploding with loved ones, take a quick 10-second break before saying anything. Your passions rival the gods. Channel them and we all stand, spellbound by your works. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 The weekend hasn’t refreshed your colleagues like it should have and you are going to have to step in as team leader. Good thing you have the stamina, but what you have more than the others is a level of ambition, unsurpassa­ble. Your diligence is paying off. Trust your gut. APRIL 20-MAY 20 A current journey is coming to an end, which means that multiple new avenues have just begun to open up for you. Don’t be scared by the opportunit­y. You have what it takes to choose the wisest course. Skills you haven’t used in a while will resurrect and become essential again. MAY 21-JUNE 20 You’ve been isolating yourself from a current relationsh­ip. Why do you fight happiness? Allow yourself the chance to be enraptured by someone else. Give yourself the room for love. Relationsh­ips are push and pull. You need to give as much as you take. Vulnerabil­ity and honesty is a great start. JUNE 21-JULY 22 An issue in the household has been unaddresse­d for long enough. Bring the issue to light today. Remember, your delivery is important and that news is best delivered with grace and love. Be the strong shoulder if it comes to that. Your family depends on you more than you realize. Be proud of your position. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Your business and personal lives are muddling. Before the end of this week, you have to make sure to organize your friend circles. Mixing and mashing creates disaster. It’s not always wise to treat colleagues like friends, for smiles now, but you may be taking their job before the year is out. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 There’s a sadness clinging from an event that occurred this weekend. The best thing about Monday is that there’s a whole week before the next weekend. If you focus this week on the tasks right in front of you, by Saturday, you’ll forget what had upset you so badly. Work is the best wound remedy. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You thought you had a grip on a situation, but you’ve been shown in quite a dramatic fashion that you don’t. Don’t panic, it is OK, and there’s so much out of all of our control. We can choose how we react. Before anxiety sets in, acknowledg­e that you will overcome. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 A loved one is going through a big change. The best thing you can do is be intuitive with your gestures. Anticipate their needs and be there to comfort them and help them through this transition. Together you’re stronger. You may have to give up some me time for richer “us” time

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