New York Daily News

POTUS vs. the press: We all lose


Clifton, N.J.: It is scary watching the President of the United States continue to be so pathetic when it comes to the truth (“All of you are fake,” Feb. 17). How can the leaks be real but the reporting of it be fake news? How can he continue to give false informatio­n about his election victory when the facts show otherwise? How can he say that his approval rating is so high (Rasmussen, which always leans conservati­ve) when 10 other polls show his rating to be much, much lower? The answer is simple. His supporters believe anything he says. Leaks are good when they favor him. His supporters don’t care for the truth. The majority of the Republican­s are gutless to challenge him. The only way we have a chance is if the press keeps pounding away at this guy and get under his skin. Sooner or later, even his supporters will see how incapable he is to be President. David Feinberg Monroe, N.J.: I think President Trump is doing very well so far. He has even surpassed my expectatio­ns. He is a true leader. We have not had that for a long time. He is returning our country to being the free, capitalist country is was set up to be. I strongly support our new President. Tom Scott

What’s going on here?

Aberdeen, Md.: This is an understate­ment, Gabriel Schoenfeld (“Press conference shows something is wrong with our President,” Op-Ed, Feb. 16). I can’t understand what is wrong with our Congress. Would they subject their child to a teacher they felt was disturbed in some sort of way? No, however, they continue to let the American people and America itself be led by such a person. It must be correct when they say Republican­s are waiting to get those tax bracket adjustment­s by Trump — “so we can’t let him go just yet.” However, there will be no tax break to receive if the Russians blow their non-integrity backsides out of their seats. Is everyone so intimidate­d, lame, or plain ignorant that they let a man rant and rant without staying on topic, put blame on others, avoid hard questions and send himself praise when not due? Come on, people: Stay focused, make him answer those real questions, call him out when he’s lying. He’s in control, but the people are his boss. We are in trouble; I know it. If things don’t change — and fast — other countries are going to take advantage of this weak White House. Lauren Smith

Honest reporting please

Little Neck: When will you start reporting the news and stop producing propaganda for the opposition party? We, most Americans, like what Trump does and how he does it to you, the media. You’ve proven to be unreliable reporters of facts and will skew them to promote your own political and cultural interests as we saw during the Obama administra­tion. Articles like this one are particular­ly infuriatin­g as I too watched the entire news conference and came away with the opposite impression as the writer. As did my wife and everyone else, except progressiv­e Trump haters, apparently like this writer, who’d have rather seen any Democrat and certainly Hillary Clinton as president. You’re losing us, if that matters to you. We need an honest press. You are failing. Seth Antonacci

Drumbeats of war

Brooklyn: You are correct: the country is in grave danger but not from the President. But from the news and media who are thoroughly flustered by the fact that their candidate lost. The Daily News is putting the whole country at risk. The media is portraying to the rest of the world that we are a weak country. This could cause a nuclear war. Nuclear attacks would certainly be on the coasts wiping out the liberal idiots. Also, you are brainwashi­ng the fools in America who will believe everything they hear. This will cause a civil war. This is a war the pansy snowflake Left will certainly lose. The red states have the guns and are generally much tougher people. The blood will be on the hands of the media. Mark Felcon

Delusional President

Bellerose, L.I.: Seriously, after that press conference by President Trump, it is so obvious he is mentally unstable. He lies at the drop of a hat, insults viciously anyone who gets in his way and is still Obama/Hillary bashing after they’re long gone. He is demonizing the press to deflect from his incompeten­ce and mental illness. Everyday, it becomes more obvious that there is seriously something wrong with him and his rationaliz­ation of current events. It’s frightenin­g how clueless he and his so-called staff are. This country is in big trouble.

Kathleen Lucas

Oh, is that all?

Bayonne: President Trump has stood up like a champion to the daily onslaught by the leftist, radical, prejudiced media in this country like no other individual would be able to withstand. Yes, an onslaught, better yet, a blitzkrieg of lies, foul, bitter fabricatio­ns from the four corners of our nation — the newspapers, the radio, the major networks, the Internet, the black athletes of the Super Bowl champions who refused a visit to the White House, etc, etc. This media and individual, disgracefu­l, action has failed miserably, and, much to his credit, President Trump is calling them out, telling them and the nation what liars they are. Three cheers for President Trump !

Martin A. Schnitzer

Obama vs. Trump

Brooklyn: The difference between President Obama’s press conference­s and President Trump’s: Obama listens to the reporter’s entire question, which is always in multiple parts. Then he answers. If he forgets the other parts, he asks the reporter to repeat it. Trump constantly interrupts the reporter while the reporter is trying to ask the questions — usually with snide remarks about the news agency the reporter represents. Then he does not actually answer the question. He is like the class clown, the mean spirited bully, but not presidenti­al. He seems immature and too thin-skinned.

Andrea Allen

Delusional press

Cupertino, Calif.: Never before in America have there been so many partisan leftist members of the media who are untruthful and un-American. Here’s a news bulletin for you crazy leftist media propagandi­sts: As in the 2016 presidenti­al campaign, the only ones listening to you are in a handful of radical leftist states where most of the illegal immigrants, unassimila­ted foreigners and rich elitists live! Wake up! The presidenti­al campaign is over, you l-o-s-t, and real, everyday, working Americans have taken their country back!

Haley Hamilton

Late-night laughs appreciate­d

East Elmhurst: About Voicer Dee Klein’s lament over late-night TV hosts bashing President Trump: I thank God for those comedians! As a person unwelcome in Trumpland — African-American, feminist, artist, progressiv­e Christian, embracer of recent immigrants — I need the belly laughs and the insights into how hypocritic­al, vicious, incompeten­t and abnormal the Trump administra­tion is. Thank you, Bill Maher, for your “New Rules” rant exposing the hypocrisy of the many evangelica­ls who chose power over piety. Thank you, too, John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Larry Wilmore (even though you were cancelled), Chris Hardwick, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, James Corden, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, et al! The wisest comedians Kevin Lamarque are our sacred clowns, our secular preachers. Now, more than ever, we need humor to keep those in power in check. No President, leader, or celebrity is exempt. By the way, the blackballi­ng of the Dixie Chicks and others for criticizin­g George W. Bush was shameful. You’ve heard of the First Amendment, haven’t you, Dee Klein? Melanie N. Lee

Whose graffiti is it?

Manville, N.J.: Sorry, Shaun King (“Trump falsely claims he’s the ‘least anti-Semitic’ person,” Feb. 16): The offensive graffiti images with Trump’s name “tagged on buildings and playground­s and cars across America” are being generated by those who hate Trump. He explained that in his news conference this afternoon. Only the gullible believe that those who support the President are spray painting swastikas. The same kind of Trump-haters who are using violence and vandalism at college campuses to deny people freedom of speech are also defacing public property with racist slurs and images.

Thomas Sobol

Who’s the most racist?

Whitestone: Here’s a fact, Shaun King — you are the most racist person! I see you chose to pick the words in the press conference that fit your agenda! Did you listen to the whole conversati­on? Highly doubtful or you would not have written another of your pot stirring racist gossip columns!

Antonia Dipreta

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