New York Daily News

LJ: ‘Slave’ talk is step too far


NEW ORLEANS — Larry Johnson says that Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green was reckless by comparing Knicks owner James Dolan to a “slave master” for his role in having Charles Oakley ejected from a game last week.

Green has since backed off the racially charged statement but Johnson, the former Knicks forward who works for the team, believes the damage has been done.

“I respect Draymond for taking back what he said and I do think it’s great that young players in the league speak out on important issues,” Johnson said. “But when a black player calls a white owner a slave master that’s dangerous.

“It’s one thing to say an owner is a good owner or a bad owner but you have to be careful when you bring race into it. What Draymond said about Mr. Dolan is wrong.”

Green clarified his remarks on Thursday, telling ESPN, “Number one, I never said James Dolan has a slave master mentality. I said when you look at something and someone is doing something for someone and all of a sudden they can’t anymore, that falls under the slave mentality.

“... I can’t say James Dolan is a racist. I don’t know James Dolan. Honestly, if he walked past me right now, I wouldn’t know who he is.”

Johnson has worked for Dolan for five years and was seated next to Dolan and Latrell Sprewell last Sunday, two days after the Knick owner announced that Oakley was banned from the Garden. Dolan has since lifted the ban.

Johnson told the Daily News last week that he was torn over whether to enter the Garden out of respect to Oakley. He says he decided to attend the Knicks-Spurs game after a Knicks official told him that by boycotting he would be making the story about him.

Johnson revealed that in the days following Oakley’s arrest, he and Oakley, along with another former Knick, Herb Williams, met for dinner.

“I told Oak he should stop talking to the media and talk to the Knicks," Johnson added.

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