New York Daily News

E-cigs just as bad as cigarettes


Manhattan: It’s unfortunat­e, although not surprising, that Gov. Cuomo’s proposals to control teen e-cigarette use (“E-cigs craze sparks smoking surge in New York high schools,” March 13) is meeting with resistance from the vaping industry (which in many cases is synonymous with “Big Tobacco”) and from politician­s beholden to that industry. But research findings emerging on a near-daily basis support greater regulation of e-cigarettes, even initiative­s that go beyond the recent FDA rules, to help curb the surge in teen e-cigarette use. Contrary to many users’ perception­s, e-cigarettes and other nicotine products are not at all harmless. Use of nicotine products elevates the risk of nicotine addiction, other substance use and negative health consequenc­es. Many of the ingredient­s found in vaping devices besides nicotine are carcinogen­ic, increase the risk of cardiovasc­ular problems and have other toxic components that can compromise health.

Flavors, such as “fried Oreos” preferred by the student quoted in the article, are a strong lure for young people and are harmful not only for that reason, but also because of the toxic ingredient­s that compose the flavors. In many cases, e-cigarette use leads to or perpetuate­s cigarette smoking, rather than curbing it or promoting quitting. Convincing the public (accurately) that e-cigarettes are less dangerous than combustibl­e cigarettes misleading­ly implies that they are safe.

Cigarettes are one of the most harmful substances around. It’s a pretty low threshold to claim that something is less harmful than cigarettes. This is especially of concern for young people, many of whom are using e-cigarettes because they would never have considered smoking a cigarette and are turning to these products due to the prevailing misconcept­ion that they are essentiall­y harmless.

Linda Richter, director of Policy Research and Analysis The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse

Trump target of a witch hunt

Wantagh, L.I.: The depth to which the Democrats and liberal media have sunk in their attacks on President Trump and his administra­tion is nothing short of what Trump has termed it: a witch hunt. It is abundantly clear that their intention is to undermine his presidency, and in doing so they have not only thrown to the curb the millions of people in the country who elected him, but they have stymied his effectiven­ess to run the country. This concerted effort to neutralize Trump’s administra­tion should offend every American no matter what their political beliefs are. The people leading this movement are abusing their positions in government and doing a disservice to us all. Thomas Urban

Keep ‘Sesame Street’ open

Scranton, Pa.: Donald Trump wants to slash Meals on Wheels, which allows millions of elderly and disadvanta­ged to eat. He wants to end funding for public broadcasti­ng, too, thus closing down “Sesame Street.” How can he sleep at night, knowing so many Americans are lying hungry in bed, and he will be depriving kids of getting to know Big Bird, Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy and Oscar the Grouch? Vin Morabito

Seniors and kids will starve

Roosevelt, L.I.: We cannot afford to be distracted or disconnect­ed regarding President Trump’s proposed budget which would cut the Meals on Wheels for seniors and also defund effective after-school programs that feed and empower America’s children to learn. Starving America’s poor seniors and poor children does not sound presidenti­al to me at all. It sounds like a vicious act. Trump seems much more interested in standing up for Russia than he does for standing up for America’s own seniors and children.

Pastor Arthur L. Mackey Jr. Mount Sinai Baptist Church


Trump should set an example

Forest Hills: It’s sad to say that there’s always been hatred toward different races, cultures, religions and sexual genders in New York City, but having somebody in the highest office in this country who is prejudiced against these difference­s himself has made violent attacks against innocent people worse. As a leader, the President should bring people together, not separate them even more than they probably already are. This violence has got to stop. Sherri Rosen

Not for sale

Manhattan: Re “De Blasio’s unstable legacy on horses” (OpEd, March 10): Wendy Neu has buyer’s remorse. And who wouldn’t after coordinati­ng with Steve Nislick hundreds of thousands of dollars of “contributi­ons” directly and indirectly to the mayor. Surely she must have believed that she had purchased a ban on carriage horses, despite the absence of any evidence of abuse. However, Neu made the same mistake that so many other rich elites make — she thought her money could snuff out the voice of the people. In the end, the brave members of the City Council, who were not for sale, listened to the people and they refused to kowtow to her elitist vision. I would like to express my eternal gratitude to those Council members who remembered that workers, not elitists, made our city great. Craig Sheldon

Afraid of anti-Asian bias

Long Island City: Re the Daily News’ March 16 article “Four Chinese immigrants found stuffed in alleged smuggler’s trunk during U.S.-Mexico border crossing,” I ask you to please not publish stories like this. We already have so much of a rise in hate crimes, we don’t need more. The article depicts Asians as illegal immigrants much like how the right wing is portraying Mexicans — as if they’re criminals. I’m Asian American. I’ve dealt with racism my entire life. Please stop with these stories. Nicole Lee

Teacher test is flawed

Albany: The Daily News’March 14 editorial “Teach your teachers well” erroneousl­y claims that the state Board of Regents’ decision to eliminate the Academic Literary Skills Test will result in a teaching force lacking high-level reading and writing skills. This test is deeply flawed and needlessly duplicativ­e (content/skills are already measured in other exams), as stated by several regents and according to intensive research from a state task force of public and private college teacher educators, K-12 teachers and superinten­dents. The regents should be commended for taking action to improve the quality and fairness of the teacher certificat­ion process. Frederick E. Kowal, president United University Profession­s

Test needs to stay

Flushing: I am outraged that the Board of Regents is planning to eliminate the Academic Literacy Skills Test for teachers. My children are receiving an excellent public school education from smart, dedicated teachers. I have the utmost respect for teachers, but they need to be held to the highest academic standards. Having teachers who cannot pass a literacy test is simply disgracefu­l. Someone needs to sound an alarm that holding our teachers to the highest standards is essential.

Sue Aiello

Cuomo’s foolish claims

Hanover, N.H.: Your March 17 story “N.Y. oversight bid irks PA big” is on target in describing the way Port Authority Chairman John Degnan sees Gov. Cuomo’s scheme to create his own inspector general, who would have the power to dig into PA files and wander the halls, seeking to identify staffers and proposals that don’t share Cuomo’s bias on what the PA should be doing. The PA was created as a partly independen­t agency, shielded from patronage and favoritism so its staff could carry out large projects Norman Y. Lono for NYDN profession­ally. When New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie tried to violate these standards, we got Bridgegate. Now Cuomo hopes to bend the PA to his will, using smear tactics to assault his own appointees, who are labeled as “cronies” because they refuse to bow down to Cuomo’s personal needs. His attack on the PA’s leaders is without merit, suggesting that Cuomo and his aides are drinking Trumpian waters.

Jameson Doig

Who’s running things?

Powder Springs, Ga.: Regarding the laptop stolen from a Secret Service agent’s car in Brooklyn: Are you kidding?! It is extremely hard for me to believe that the federal government does not have a tracking device located within every laptop under their control. What kind of bubblehead­s are running our law enforcemen­t agencies? Marty Reardon

No respect for Revis

Laurel, Md.: Daily News sportswrit­er Manish Mehta seems to be on a crusade against former Jets cornerback Darrelle Revis (“Should Bill Belichick and Tom Brady forgive Darrelle Revis and bring him back to the Patriots?” March 14). Maybe Revis never gave him an interview or was disrespect­ful to Mehta personally, because Mehta is being really petty to a Jets legend. Revis is headed to the Hall of Fame so he doesn’t need me to defend him. His play was horrible but this level of disrespect is absurd.

Brian Garnett

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