New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


You were born on the first day of the astrologic­al year. This makes you a natural initiator: you’re the person who will step up when nobody else will. Be careful, though, only to accept as true what you’ve fully verified. Your beliefs could run away with you. Slow down and check your facts and figures. Make your decisions in a clear-headed state of mind. You share a birthday with William Hurt, Spike Lee and Holly Hunter. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 The Sun now making its way across the relationsh­ip angle of your chart, and suddenly you can see what you’ve been missing. It’s a rare person who can appreciate the beautiful and interestin­g people in his or her life, and you’ll be much happier for doing so. is OCT. 23-NOV. 21 You can now focus on work instead of the emotional complicati­ons that were distractin­g you to no end. You need to wake up every day to face new challenges. Not everyone is like this. Many prefer the same old, same old, but you’re made of more adventurou­s stuff than that. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Keep your emotional control this morning. You might feel the impulse to give someone a righteous piece of your mind, but you’ll regret it by lunchtime. Avoid the situation for a while and when you come back to it later today, you may decide it didn’t matter anyway. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 If you’re feeling lost or adrift, take care of mundane matters in the early part of the day. You will find this curiously satisfying and then can get down to more serious business later in the day. Postpone important decisions for a few hours and you’ll make much better choices. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Everyone knows that food and exercise are the foundation of a healthy life, but how often do people listen? Some unusual aspects in your solar chart suggest that the habits you begin now will become long-term commitment­s. Sticking to it means proceeding one day at a time.

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