New York Daily News

Gorsuch’s originalis­m problem

- BY ERWIN CHEMERINSK­Y Chemerinsk­y is dean and Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law at the University of California’s Irvine School of Law.

My greatest concern about Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is his self-proclaimed “originalis­t” method of constituti­onal interpreta­tion. This puts him with Robert Bork, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, the other originalis­ts nominated for the high court and the three most conservati­ve individual­s picked for the court in the last 90 years.

Originalis­m is the view that a constituti­onal provision means the same thing today as when it was adopted and that its meaning can be changed only through a constituti­onal amendment.

Gorsuch has said: “Judges should instead strive (if humanly and so imperfectl­y) to apply the law as it is, focusing backward, not forward, and looking to text, structure, and history to decide what a reasonable reader at the time of the events in question would have understood the law to be.”

But the original understand­ing of the Constituti­on is unknowable, and even if it could be known, should not be binding today. Long ago, Chief Justice John Marshall reminded us that “we must never forget that it is a Constituti­on we are expounding,” a Constituti­on “meant to be adapted and endure for ages to come.”

If constituti­onal interpreta­tion must follow the specific intentions of the framers, as Gorsuch wrote, the results often will be unacceptab­le if not absurd.

The world of today is so radically different from that of 1787, when the Constituti­on was drafted, or 1791, when the Bill of Rights was ratified, or 1868, when the 14th Amendment was adopted. For example, Article II refers to the President and vice president with the pronoun “he.” The framers undoubtedl­y intended that those holding these offices would be men. From an originalis­t philosophy, it would be unconstitu­tional to elect a woman as President or vice president until the document is amended.

The same Congress that ratified the 14th Amendment also voted to segregate the District of Columbia public schools. Under an originalis­t philosophy, Brown vs. Board of Education was wrongly decided and laws mandating segregatio­n were constituti­onal.

And how is originalis­m supposed to guide us on interpreti­ng the Second Amendment when many of the weapons Americans can wield today were unimaginab­le at the time of the Founding? How are we to apply an originalis­t interpreta­tion of the Fourth Amendment’s ban on unlawful searches and seizures to sophistica­ted questions about electronic surveillan­ce, location tracking and encryption?

The Constituti­on is and always has been regarded as a living document. Indeed, if a majority of the court were to adopt Gorsuch’s originalis­t philosophy, there would be a radical change in constituti­onal law.

No longer would the Bill of Rights apply to state and local government­s. No longer would there be protection of rights not mentioned in the text of the Constituti­on, such as the rights to travel, freedom of associatio­n and privacy.

This would mean the end of constituti­onal protection for liberties such as the right to marry, the right to custody of one’s children, the right to keep the family together, the right of parents to control the upbringing of their children, the right to purchase and use contracept­ives, the right to abortion, the right to refuse medical care and the right to engage in private, consensual homosexual activity. No longer would women or gays and lesbians be protected from discrimina­tion under the equal protection clause.

Nor can originalis­m eliminate the need for justices to make value judgments that come down to their own ideology and life experience­s. Cases involving constituti­onal rights and discrimina­tion involve balancing of competing interests, which inevitably depends on the views of the justices.

In 1987, the Senate overwhelmi­ngly rejected Bork for a seat on the Supreme Court entirely because of his originalis­t approach to constituti­onal law. He was deemed unacceptab­le because of his views that there was no constituti­onal protection for privacy, that only political speech is protected by the First Amendment, and that the equal protection clause does not apply to discrimina­tion based on gender.

Gorsuch should be required to answer whether he shares these views of Bork and Justice Scalia. If Gorsuch had been on the court in 1973, how would he have voted in Roe vs. Wade? If Gorsuch had been on the court in 2015, how would he have voted in Obergefell vs. Hodges, which struck down state laws prohibitin­g same-sex marriage? Of course, he should not be required to say how he will vote in the future. But given his self-professed originalis­m, senators should insist that he describe how that would have led him to vote in these earlier cases.

Originalis­m is a terrible approach to constituti­onal interpreta­tion and certainly is no more desirable today than it was in 1987 or, for that matter, 1787.

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