New York Daily News

Admits moving OD doc’s body

- With News Wire Services Victoria Bekiempis

MARTIN McGuinness, the Irish Republican Army commander who sought to unify Ireland through violence and later helped negotiate peace in Northern Ireland, died Tuesday in his hometown of Derry. He was 66.

McGuinness (photo) evolved from paramilita­ry rebel leader to politician. He was the chief negotiator for Sinn Fein, the political arm of the IRA, during the Good Friday peace accords in 1998.

“He was a passionate republican who worked tirelessly for peace and reconcilia­tion and for the reunificat­ion of his country,” Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams said.

The party said he died after a short illness.

McGuinness was the face of Irish Republican­ism during the height of “The Troubles” that killed more than 3,600 as Protestant and Catholic forces clashed.

In 1972, at the age of 21, he was second in command of the IRA in Derry, where British forces killed 14 protesters on Bloody Sunday, also known as the Bogside Massacre.

McGuinness’ political career included several momentous occasions including the first IRA ceasefire in 1994, the Good Friday agreements, and the weapons surrender in 2005.

McGuinness later served as Northern Ireland’s deputy first minister for a decade in a power-sharing government.

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed “immense gratitude for the part he played in the peace process.”

McGuinness is survived by his wife, Bernadette, two daughters and two sons. A TV PRODUCER pleaded guilty Tuesday to moving the body of a Long Island mom after she died from a cocaine overdose in a Manhattan apartment.

Marc Johnson faced drug conspiracy and accessory charges for pulling the body of Kiersten Cerveny, a dermatolog­ist, into the vestibule of his pal’s Chelsea apartment building after she on cocaine.

Johnson, 52, copped to a charge of acting as an accessory after the fact.

While Johnson faces up to 10 years in federal lockup, prosecutor­s will recommend an 18-to-24 month sentence under deal.

Johnson met up with the married mother of three at about 4 a.m. on Oct. 4, 2015. They traveled to overdosed admitted coke pusher James (Pepsi) Holder’s W. 16th St. pad, where she overdosed.

Johnson and Holder dragged Cerveny, 38, to the vestibule around 8 a.m. and then left before cops got to the building.

Holder, 61, pleaded guilty Dec. 12 to using his apartment for distributi­ng drugs.

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