New York Daily News

Hey, Pepsi, you truly are ‘sorry’


Pepsi apologized to Kendall Jenner for her tremendous suffering on social media — after she debuted in their brainless, heartless, incredibly offensive commercial that trivialize­d human protest and suffering. They should have apologized to the whole world, instead of merely reducing that part to, “Clearly, we missed the mark and apologize.” Ya think?

The reality is that the reality star/model accepted big bucks to participat­e in a disgusting­ly shallow commercial that mocked every protest movement from Black Lives Matter to the women’s movement.

Yet Pepsi concerned itself with apologizin­g to a Kardashian — as though she didn’t know what she was participat­ing in as she was participat­ing in it. Do they think she’s that stupid? Or that the rest of us are?

In the now-pulled commercial, fake, incredibly good-looking hipster protesters without body fat or pimples are marching — for what we don’t know — while Kendall (pictured) is at the same time posing in a sexy silver bazillion-dollar outfit.

Oh no! Here comes the protest, right past the photoshoot! Moved by the protest about nothing, the supermodel/reality star tears off her blond wig, smudges her lipstick and puts on a bazilliond­ollar jeans outfit to join the protest. Worse, in a ripoff of the famous 1967 photo of a protester putting a flower in the barrel of

a soldier’s gun, Kendall — the world-renowned humanist — hands a cop a Pepsi.

That gesture defuses the entire situation to the point that protesters stop to cheer her as though she’s negotiated a Middle East peace accord.

Worse, the cop-Pepsi move so touches a gorgeous Muslim woman in a hijab that she spontaneou­sly hugs a male protester she has just encountere­d. Uh, idiots? It is not permissibl­e for Muslim women to even shake hands with non-family males, let alone hug one.

How did the geniuses behind the ad not know this?

The dumbness of it all makes Pepsi’s apology to a shallow supermodel instead of Muslims, humanists, protesters, and everyone else look as shallow as a carton of Kardashian­s.

With the world coming undone, don’t we — and rich outfits like Pepsi — have better things to do than promote and grovel to the lowlife Kardashian klan like this?

Thank the gods that the Trump White House has become such a tacky reality show that the Kardashian­s finally seem to be on the wane.

In fact, they didn’t even create buzz enough to get viewers to tune in to “Keeping Up with the Kardashian­s” for the big Paris robbery-discussion episode, which drew a shameful 1.58 million viewers. Even “You, Me and The Apocalypse” (the what?) got better ratings.

Please go away, Kardashian­s. Nobody cares anymore about your father being your mother, that every one of your husbands is crazy or a substance abuser, or the ongoing nothing of your shallow shopping lives.

We don’t care. Anymore. I hope.

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