New York Daily News



Did we attack Syria, not for humanitari­an reasons, but for ratings?

Is the President of the United States so clueless that he thinks that attacking another country without the permission of Congress will boost his sagging ratings? Probably. And it probably will work — for a minute.

When “The Apprentice” tanked, Donald Trump glitzed things up by turning it into “The Celebrity Apprentice.”

When Trump’s ratings as President tanked, he blitzed things up by attacking Syria. If his ratings soar as a result, he’ll go further and as, Secretary of State Tillerson threatened, we’ll “remove” President Bashar Assad. So much for mealy mouthpiece Sean Spicer saying only last week that Assad was a: “political reality that we have to accept.”

But maybe a bunch of uber-rich white guys (Spicer excepted!) with no experience in government really ARE the only ones to understand the complex nature of the Middle East. Maybe they’re the only ones who understand the web of hundreds of warring factions from the religious to the tribal, to the terrorists and the criminals. They’d be the first who did.

Why shouldn’t we trust our fate and the fate of the entire region to a real estate developer who made big deal$ there and another guy who once ran Exxon Mobil, and yes, also made big deal$ there.

Look how well taking out a leader worked for that other rich oil guy, George W. Bush. He figured taking out Saddam Hussein would fix everything. It almost worked, too — except that it resulted in one of the longest wars in American history, the deaths of millions, a price tag of $2.4 trillion of our tax dollars, and, as Trump said, destabiliz­ed the entire Middle East.

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