New York Daily News

Spieth charges into contention with 68


AUGUSTA, Ga. — Golfers like to say take what the course gives you. It’s supposed to be a sign of maturity. When Jordan Spieth’s drive off the 13th tee leaked right and nestled into the pine straw with 230 yards and a creek between his ball and the flag, the course wasn’t offering much.

He was close to the same spot where Phil Mickelson, his playing partner in Saturday’s third round, went for broke on the par-5 hole in the final round in 2010 and went on to win, guaranteei­ng a place for that shot in Masters lore. Spieth, on the other hand, already had made up a lot of ground on the leaders after an opening-round 75 left him 10 shots behind, and thus had a lot less incentive to risk giving it back.

The 23-year-old Texan is a cool customer away from the course, but in the heat of competitio­n, he sometimes launches into a running commentary on how he’s playing. His caddie, Michael Greller, once explained the two made a great team because he learned to handle middlescho­ol math classes before he lugged a golf bag around for a living.

And perhaps because his player had made birdie at No. 13 the last two years using a wedge for his third shot, this is how their conversati­on began:

“He was very much pressing for a lay-up there and laying up was the smart shot,” Spieth recalled.

A bit of background is important at this point: Spieth has played the Masters three times, finishing second, first and second. Until he dumped two balls in the watery grave that fronts No. 12, he was nearly a lock last year to become the first player since Tiger Woods in 2001-02 to successful­ly defend his title. He made another quadruple bogey at No. 15 on Thursday and went to sleep that night worried about just making the cut. But now he was determined to go for the green with a 4-iron. “So all that went through my head,” Spieth said.

That was the moment he turned to Greller and said simply, “What would Arnie do?”

Arnie, of course, is Arnold Palmer, a four-time Masters champion whose death last June has occasioned memorials at nearly every stop where golfers have gathered since. Like Mickelson, but unlike Spieth for the most part, he played with a swashbuckl­ing style. It’s hard to say whether Spieth was trying to tap into that “gofor-it” spirit, or as he hinted afterward, just looking for a way to convince Greller that it was the right play at the right time.

Once the ball left the clubface, any remaining doubts disappeare­d. It settled 30 feet from the flag and Spieth twoputted for his next-tolast birdie of the day, the highlight of a sparkling 68 that left him two shots off the lead heading into the final round. “I’m proud that I pulled that shot off,” he said afterward. —AP

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