New York Daily News

The forsaking of St. Anthony


Brooklyn: The news came last week that St. Anthony’s of Jersey City will close its doors in June (“Tough close at St. Anthony,” April 6). I’ve only been there twice to see a couple of games, but this is not about basketball. I never met coach Bob Hurley or the Felician Sisters who kept that school going many years past its time. But their efforts did not go unnoticed — unless you count the archdioces­e or the Vatican.

It’s easy to say close the school, sell the property and move on. It’s just as easy to say give them $2 million, let them expand and give them a chance — just the way the Vatican does when they shell out millions in lawsuits against their own.

They get nothing in return there, yet they do it to keep peace and save face. Yet when it comes to all the hard work coach Hurley and the sisters and staff put in to keeping St. Anthony’s going, the church looks the other way.

And they want to know why people are fed up. Well, look no further then St. Anthony’s. The church had a chance to do the right thing for the longest time, and they chose to take the easy way out. John DeAngelo

Where are the NBA saviors?

Pompano Beach, Fla.: The Daily News article on Jersey City should get someone a Pulitzer. The fact that the billion-dollar National Basketball Associatio­n would not help this program is a disgrace. The fact that no multimilli­onaire NBA player would help out is a disgrace. Entitled, selfish, hypocritic­al divas in the NBA sums it all up. Today, I’m done with the NBA. Jim Madden

Warm Rickles memories

Bayside: I met Don Rickles in the late ’60s. My date, Reuben, and I had gone to see the Off-Broadway show “Scuba Duba” starring Jerry Orbach. Afterward, we went to the restaurant named Reuben’s, which has since closed. One reason I remember it is that I was at Reuben’s with a guy named Reuben. Another reason was that we were seated in a booth connected to one with Don Rickles and his wife. He graciously signed my Playbill and was so nice about doing so. He was literally “Mr. Warmth.” My younger brother was in Queens College at the time. He participat­ed in his house’s scavenger hunt — and was the only one who had, from the list of objects needed to find, Don Rickles’ autograph! Rickles will surely be missed. Laura Lazarus

The living library

Staten Island: To Voicer Gary Rofofsky, who said, “Going to the public library is a thing of the past”: I’m sorry if that is the case where Rofofsky lives. Here on Staten Island, the New York Public Library branches are a vital part of the community. For example, the New Dorp regional branch is constantly busy. It offers many free programs for all ages, from toddlers to seniors, that are always well attended. Where else but from a library can you borrow new books, movies, CDs and more for free? To Rofofsky’s point, some of those library patrons even read comic books. Today’s libraries are truly 21st century community centers and deserve our full support.

Joanne Bruccoleri

Upscale crime wave

Manhattan: It is appalling how criminals are going into upscale areas to mug, rob, steal and maim storeowner­s who are trying to put food on the table to feed their families. A jewelry store owner was shot in the stomach in Riverdale, the Bronx, a close-knit area with mom-and-pop stores. Rules should be changed in the judicial system, e.g., they should have more cops being on foot patrol on the beat — and bring back stopand-frisk. Helen Murphy

Gone too soon

Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: May God bless The News and its reporters for this wonderful article paying tribute to our young hero (“Mourners pack church for funeral of 9/11 hero’s daughter who died in pancake choking accident,” April 8). Mike DeFilippis

Vice President Port Authority PBA

Oozing hate

Mount Sinai, L.I.: To crying Voicer Kenneth P. Smith, you should have your DNA tested at because I believe you are, indeed, related to Trump and possibly others within his cloak-and-dagger inner sanctum of the administra­tion. Your hate flows so trippingly off your tongue that I for one believe you think you are far superior in your whiteness, politics and ethics than most, except the most elite of misogynist­ic racists in the current administra­tion! I am sure you feel your contempt is warranted and that the head of whatever church you belong to (“Bless me father, I am perfect . . .) would read your letter and perhaps even extol your brilliance. But to quote one of those liberal nut cases out there, even Jesus would never forgive these things you say and do. So hold your guns close and judge all you see, understand nothing, and you, too, shall warrant a place in history books. Lucy Gowrie

Over already?

Forest Hills: One of my biggest concerns regarding a Trump presidency has always been my fear that he would start World War III. I figured it would likely happen within his first year to 18 months in office. Based on the events of the last few days, it looks like I was way off in my prediction: He’s managed to put the world at risk of WWIII well within his first 100 days in office.

Sol Bilczic

Obama’s capitulati­on

Hicksville, L.I.: To Voicer Eliot Gonshorek: Only an ideologue can spin former President Obama’s failure on Syria and blame Republican­s. As President Trump showed, you do not need congressio­nal approval to make a military statement. Obama had no desire to get involved in Syria. That was the time to act, not now. The whole region is now a mess, and we need to get out. But what I really find disturbing is Obama’s sick adulation of Iran. We had them on their knees with sanctions, but he then gave them everything, with nothing in return, thus making Iran our biggest problem in the Middle East. Obama stuck it to our ally, the Sunnis, hence the creation of ISIS, by kissing the butt of Iran, a Shia nation that hates our guts and is responsibl­e for the deaths of many American soldiers. Like the Syrian chemical accord, the Iran deal was a capitulati­on of a President more interested in legacy than common sense.

John Gelormino

Donald goes off the ‘deep’ end

Brooklyn: President Trump has been co-opted by the deep state. God help us all!

Joseph G. Passaretti

New Justice, no peace

Massapequa, L.I.: Judge Neil Gorsuch won the popular vote in the Senate. That’s not good enough. Loser, sad. Paul Pepe

Dem gone left

Bronx: Harry Truman, JFK and FDR must be spinning in their graves over how far left the Democratic Party has gone and how anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinia­n it has become. Henry M. Newman

No news in June

Peoria, Ariz.: I am disgusted that you would run a story about Mama June (“Mama June was hospitaliz­ed due to internal pain after weight loss,” April 8). She is a horrific human and even worse parent. Her losing weight, her having pain, isn’t news. The new Supreme Court injustice is a story. Try that. Karly Torres

New cable, same as old cable

Rockaway Beach: Spectrum, thanks for removing half the staff and all the esthetics* from NY1. *It’s in the dictionary — look it up. Oops! I mean, “Google it,” Sonny! Maureen McNelis

Championsh­ip class

Weddington, N.C.: After coach Roy Williams’ comments, I just mailed my annual UNC Chapel Hill alumni donation to the University of South Carolina’s coach Dawn Staley (“Heel wait,” April 5). “Yeah, I’m going to the White House,” the South Carolina coach told The Associated Press after her team defeated Mississipp­i State, 67-55, in the NCAA women’s title game. “It’s what it stands for. It’s what national champions do. We’ll go to the White House,” Staley stated. Thank you. Glad to be your neighbor! Pamella Saladino

Spring biases

JULIAN GARCIA Huntington Station, L.I.: Aah, the signs of spring: crocuses springing up in gardens, sweaters replacing jackets — and the Yankees getting the back cover of the Daily News after an off day when Matt Harvey is welcomed back to Citi Field with a great win! But, of course, a “breaking news” story about a possible end-of-the-season contract dispute with Masahiro Tanaka should get top priority in a town where the Mets are now the favored hometown team. Makes perfect sense.

Nancy Macri Kennedy

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