New York Daily News

A bomb is not a strategy


The fallout of the explosion of the Massive Ordnance Air Blast on ISIS caves in Afghanista­n brings widespread handwringi­ng about whether the commander-inchief, President Trump, is unwisely escalating U.S. military force in the Muslim world. We do not question the use of this single fearsome weapon — the Pentagon’s biggest this side of a nuke — in a sparsely populated part of eastern Afghanista­n, which, based on the available evidence, seems to have been tailored to meet a specific military objective.

Remember: Last summer, under President Obama, B-52s reappeared in Afghanista­n’s skies after a 10-year absence, using 27 bombs and missiles in counterter­rorism strikes. Each B-52s carries a total payload three times greater than the MOAB. That’s a difference in methodolog­y, not lethality. According to Gen. John Nicholson, the top American commander in Afghanista­n, ISIS terrorists were operating in the area, in a complex of tunnels that were otherwise impenetrab­le by fighter jet and drone strikes.

Which is why the decision to drop the bomb was made — in the theater of war, not in Washington.

And, lest one is prone to believe the strike caused indiscrimi­nate bloodshed, American troops, working closely with Afghan tribal leaders, coordinate­d to evacuate civilians from the blast radius before the bomb fell.

But even as we say good riddance to a few dozen murderous terrorists, or at least to the dust they have become, we must scrutinize what is, under Trump, a fast-evolving anti-ISIS strategy.

A steady drumbeat of airstrikes in denser urban areas in Syria, Iraq and Yemen have coincided in recent weeks with a sharp spike in civilian and allied casualties.

Just Thursday, the military announced that a misdirecte­d strike had killed 18 Syrians fighting on our side against ISIS.

War kills. Mistakes happen. And when a terrorist enemy deviously mixes among a non-combatant population, some innocent deaths are the tragic but inevitable side effect.

But there is a larger strategic question at stake: Should such casualties continue or sharply increase in the name of crushing ISIS, the U.S. risks alienating the very population it needs to win over in the long-term.

And the deepening engagement is jarring having been ordered by a President who on the campaign trail warned against Mideast military entangleme­nts, even as he pledged to “bomb the s---” against ISIS.

Meantime, as the Trump administra­tion struggles to send consistent signals about what should happen to Syria’s brutal Bashar Assad, it is reportedly debating heightenin­g the ground conflict against ISIS by, in one scenario, sending up to 50,000 troops to the region. Stop worrying and learn to love the MOAB. But before America backs into a deeper and potentiall­y protracted conflict in the briar patch of the Middle East, demand the President present, with the participat­ion and scrutiny of Congress, a strategy for winning war, and peace.

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