New York Daily News

Mentally ill, and abandoned by N.Y.

- BY D.J. JAFFE Jaffe is author of “Insane Consequenc­es: How the Mental Health Industry Fails the Mentally Ill.”

There’s danger on New York’s horizon. Kendra’s Law, which keeps 4,000 seriously mentally ill New Yorkers on antipsycho­tics, mood stabilizer­s and other violence-preventing treatments, expires in June.

Unless the Legislatur­e makes it permanent or renews it, these sick individual­s will be free to leave treatment. Many will then return to the jails, prisons, shelters, streets and institutio­ns. Some will inevitably create mayhem on the way.

What is most striking about this catastroph­e-in-the-making is how little the New York mental health industry is doing to avoid it.

Kendra’s Law, named after Kendra Webdale, who in 1999 was fatally pushed onto the subway tracks by a schizophre­nic man, empowers judges to order seriously mentally ill people who have strong histories of violence, hospitaliz­ation or incarcerat­ion to stay in treatment for one year as a condition of living in the community.

Research shows Kendra’s Law cuts homelessne­ss 74%, arrests 83% and incarcerat­ion 87%. A study published in 2012 found it saves taxpayers 50% of the cost of care by replacing expensive incarcerat­ion and hospitaliz­ation with less expensive community treatment.

So why aren’t mental health advocates storming Albany to ensure Kendra’s Law is used more, made permanent, and not allowed to expire?

While researchin­g my book, “Insane Consequenc­es: How the Mental Health Industry Fails the Mentally Ill,” I discovered that the mental health industry largely prefers to treat the highest-functionin­g and least symptomati­c people.

It shuns the seriously ill like those eligible for Kendra’s Law. And this cherry-picking is not just a New York problem; it is a national phenomenon.

As a result, the least ill often go to the front of the line for services — and the seriously mentally ill wind up in jails, prisons, shelters and morgues. A steady stream of new supposed crises like bullying and cyberbully­ing get attention and funding, while treatment for known serious mental illnesses like schizophre­nia and bipolar disorder are ignored.

As a result of the New York mental health system’s systematic abandonmen­t of the seriously ill over the years, our state now has more mentally ill people incarcerat­ed than hospitaliz­ed.

It’s not just money that’s lacking, it’s leadership. For example, Gov. Cuomo is continuing to close state psychiatri­c beds in spite of the fact that as beds go down, incarcerat­ion goes up.

Mayor de Blasio’s $850 million ThriveNYC mental health plan is largely focused on improving “mental wellness” in everyone — not treating the 4% of adults who are seriously ill, and potentiall­y a danger to themselves or others.

The mayor dedicated over $2 million to an ad campaign trying to get people who have “anxiety, depression or need someone to talk to” to call a referral line. The ads don’t ask those who are psychotic, delusional and eating out of dumpsters to call.

De Blasio’s mental health department convinced him to spend $6 million training city residents on how to identify the asymptomat­ic potentiall­y mentally ill — and to cut $500,000 from Fountain House, which serves the known seriously mentally ill.

I’m a Democrat, and not a hater, but as a result of these policies, 40% of the 239,000 New Yorkers with serious mental illness received zero treatment in any given year. The mental hygiene department knows this. It came from their own June 2015 report.

A mayoral task force reported that the percentage of the city jail population with mental illness shot up 30% from 2010 to 2014. And the NYPD’s inspector general documented that calls to the NYPD for emotionall­y disturbed persons went up 10% from 143,000 in 2014 to 157,000 in 2016.

The fix is simple. Spend less on fuzzy efforts to improve “mental wellness” and more on concrete ones to treat grave mental illness.

Both our governor and mayor have to buck mental health industry trade associatio­ns — including the New York Associatio­n of Psychiatri­c Rehabilita­tion Services and Mental Health America — and open more hospitals, hire more psychiatri­sts, and fund more programs that serve the people in most urgent need of help.

Most importantl­y, they should robustly fund Kendra’s Law, fight to make it permanent, and see that more people are enrolled in it. That’s the path to a safer and saner New York.

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