New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


You simply must give yourself more room to explore your talents. That means taking a wider view of life, and proceeding with your heart rather than your head. You’re a responsibl­e person and have that angle on life covered. You need to have fun in your own totally original way. If you think you’re not creative or original, guess again. You share a birthday with Eugenie Clark, Audrey Hepburn and Jackie Jackson. JUNE 21-JULY 22 Make sure you stay on message today. Use formal methods, such as getting your talking points straight, and knowing in advance how you would respond to certain questions in the way most beneficial to you. Stay on script at all times. You’ll be very happy you did. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Today you’ll have an opportunit­y to be generous with someone, and your solar chart suggests this will be a challenge for you. Generosity is not only sharing what you have in abundance; it’s also about sharing what you need, because you notice that someone needs it more. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Hold to a steady course today, though don’t grip the wheel so tightly. You know, at minimum, what you need to get done; take care of that, and leave yourself plenty of flexibilit­y — to figure something out, to change your mind or to take the perfect opportunit­y to accomplish a special task. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 For the past week or so, Venus has been making its way across your relationsh­ip zone (Aries, your opposite sign). This is presenting you with an opportunit­y to see yourself from the viewpoint of others. Note carefully what you learn, and make any adjustment­s you need to make. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 The state of affairs at work may bear some resemblanc­e to playing in the NHL. Choose whether you want to be on the ice, on the bench or watching from the stands. Though it’s a fun game, it has its risks, and you might want to save your luck for something more significan­t. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You may get fed up with how much responsibi­lity you have on your hands right now. It’s not helping that others are taking every opportunit­y to flip their lid or act erraticall­y. The leadership you must exert goes beyond that of being Cub Scout den mother. These people are adults. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 You seem to be asking real questions about your role in your relationsh­ips. Keep doing that and you’ll get real answers. You might ask yourself where, exactly, the expectatio­ns you live with come from. Who showed or taught you that this was the right thing? JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You seem to have found your footing after a spell of slipping and sliding. Be careful because there are still oil slicks scattered here and there. Proceed slowly and carefully for the next few days, and save the intense debates for your diary. It’s too easy to make enemies right now. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Take a magnanimou­s view of others, even if they come off rigid or self-righteous. You’re not doing this for them — you’re doing it for you. Their words and actions matter far less than you may think, so you may as well save your precious time, energy and breath.

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