New York Daily News


Comic Griffin sorry for her bloody mock Trump decapitati­on NEWS SAYS: All Americans must denounce this act


COMEDIAN KATHY Griffin apologized Tuesday, hours after posting a horrific and shocking photo of her posing with a bloody mask representi­ng a beheaded President Trump.

After outrage poured in from both sides of the political aisle, Griffin admitted her unfunny stunt went too far.

“I sincerely apologize,” Griffin said in a video. “I am just now seeing the reaction of these images. I’m a comic. I crossed the line. I move the line, then I cross it. I went way too far. The image is too disturbing. I understand how it offends people. It wasn’t funny. I get it.”

Even Trump’s toughest critics were turned off by the offensive display, which features a stone-faced Griffin holding aloft the fake Trump head like a terrorist inspiring her twisted troops.

Earlier, Griffin cluelessly defended the display as nothing more than “art,” but the Secret Service took it seriously enough to weigh in.

“On it!” the agency tweeted. “@SecretServ­ice . . . monitors open source reporting & social media to evaluate threats. Threats made against @SecretServ­ice protectees receive the highest priority of all of our investigat­ions.”

After posing for photograph­er Tyler Shields and posting the slowmotion video on her Twitter feed, Griffin followed it up with an insensitiv­e social media screed.

“I caption this ‘There was blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his. . . wherever,’ ” Griffin tweeted. “OBVIOUSLY, I do not condone ANY violence by my fans or others to anyone, ever! I’m merely mocking the Mocker in Chief.”

But the damage was already done, and the retributio­n was fierce.

“Disgusting but not surprising. This is the left today,” Trump’s son Donald Jr. tweeted. “They consider this acceptable. Imagine a conservati­ve did this to Obama as POTUS.”

Griffin was trending on social media for much of the day, and her reviews were not good.

“What Kathy Griffin has done here is shocking and wrong,” wrote Evan Siegfried. “It’s behavior that should be condemned by all.”

Shields, who shot the shocking photo, also defended the image as “art.”

Shields said the photo was mostly Griffin’s idea.

“She came to me,” Shields said. “She said she’d like to do something political, that she’d love to do something that makes a statement. It’s always a collaborat­ion. It wasn’t completely her, but it wasn’t completely me, either. Without Kathy, I would have never done a photo like that.”

Griffin’s controvers­ial photo surfaced more than a year after comedian George Lopez tweeted a picture of a drawing depicting Trump’s detached head held up by Mexican drug lord Joaquin (El Chapo) Guzman.

Musician Marilyn Manson, meanwhile, beheaded a character in a dark suit and red tie — both trademarks of Trump — in his music video for the song “SAY10” last November.

In March, Trump himself decried a Snoop Dogg video featuring the rapper aiming a gun at the head of a Trump look-alike.

“Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!” Trump tweeted.

Griffin has been an outspoken critic of the President and includes bits about him and his family in her standup shows.

But the fallout began late Tuesday as toilet stool company Squatty Potty announced it was dumping Griffin from its latest ad campaign.

Griffin is well-known for appearing on CNN’s New Year’s coverage with Anderson Cooper.

“For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in. It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropri­ate,” Cooper tweeted.

But the white-haired host may be without a date this New Year’s Eve.

“We found what she did disgusting and offensive,” a CNN spokeswoma­n said. “We are evaluating New Year’s Eve and have made no decisions at this point.”

 ??  ?? Kathy Griffin admitted mistake with “disturbing” video of herself waving a bloody Trump mask in stunt that was criticized by left and right alike.
Kathy Griffin admitted mistake with “disturbing” video of herself waving a bloody Trump mask in stunt that was criticized by left and right alike.
 ??  ?? Clueless Kathy Griffin didn’t see anything wrong with posting an image of herself holding up President Trump’s bloody severed head. Her defense
— that she was mocking the commander in chief — was derided even by fierce Trump foes. Photo was snapped by...
Clueless Kathy Griffin didn’t see anything wrong with posting an image of herself holding up President Trump’s bloody severed head. Her defense — that she was mocking the commander in chief — was derided even by fierce Trump foes. Photo was snapped by...
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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