New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


It’s time for some big changes, though you would be wise to stay a few steps ahead of your circumstan­ces. Don’t wait to be backed into a corner — be proactive, and make all your decisions based on what you want rather than what other people want for you. This can take courage, and that’s exactly what your future adventures are calling for. You share a birthday with Walt Whitman, Brooke Shields and Colin Farrell. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Today you may get a preview of a developmen­t that takes place later in the year. Notice what you learn today, and keep your mind open to discovery. If you like what you’re seeing, then guide your life in that direction. Remember, you have the power to create better outcomes. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 When you encounter the inner drive to make progress on a personal issue, take that as far as you can. What you’re looking for is the internal experience of coming up against a block or resistance, pushing and then giving up. Pause, stop, and listen to what your body is telling you. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 One important aspect of fulfilling a profession­al goal seems to involve resistance coming from a personal or creative partner. Don’t let yourself get drawn into that energy. You don’t need to take on the hang-ups of other people. You have bigger and better things to do. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 You may fear that if you give yourself a little freedom, and admit your actual desires, you’ll go wild and be out of control. Actually, that’s unlikely, because you really do have boundaries. It’s just that at the moment, you’ve got yourself on way too short of a leash. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 These weeks are a vital growth stage where your talent, maturity and business acumen are being put to the test. While you’re meeting people and learning what’s possible, listen closely for those who want to advance the cause of humanity rather than just fill their pockets. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 If you ask any artist (taking a wide definition of that word), you’ll find out that they do what they do in part because they want to, and in part because they must. You have both going for you right now, and you can use both to your advantage. Motivation is all good. Let it move you. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Many times I’ve considered the meaning of selfesteem, and my current definition is that it’s about having the willingnes­s to dare. That’s another way of saying the courage to attempt something, and to set aside any considerat­ion of what others might think. Do you have what it takes? FEB. 19-MARCH 20 The symbol of your sign is two connected fish. Do you know their names? Aphrodite and Eros, who morph into aquatic form and swim away from a bad old monster. These gods of love dive into the watery emotional realm and find safety there. That’s what your chart is about now.

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