New York Daily News

HUDge presidenti­al insult


Wonders never cease in Donald Trump’s America: The person best qualified to oversee the most massive array of public housing in the nation, and billions of dollars in federal funds aiding poor tenants in New York and New Jersey, turned out to be a longtime Trump family wedding planner.

Yes, President “I hire the best people” Trump is all set to promote Lynne Patton to be HUD regional administra­tor despite her downright comical absence of qualificat­ions, as the Daily News’ front page on Friday screamed. Apparently the florist wasn’t available. Strike two against Patton: What experience she does have, she chose to inflate; her LinkedIn profile suggests she has a law degree from Quinnipiac University and somethingo­rother from Yale.

Strike three: Before joining HUD months ago, Patton helped Eric Trump run a charitable foundation now under investigat­ion by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderm­an for the sums it steered to Trump Organizati­on businesses.

The family flunky’s elevation to a key HUD post might be funny except that the condition of public housing in New York is dire — and expertise in the complexiti­es of public housing management and finance desperatel­y needed.

Take the New York City Housing Authority, in need of $17 billion in repairs, leaving hundreds of thousands of tenants captive to creeping mold, crumbling plaster and other hazardous symptoms of housing far past its prime.

Patton will also also tend billions of dollars in rent subsidies to private landlords, including the Trump Organizati­on.

Friday, a HUD spokesman called the position “currently vacant.” If that means the agency is having second thoughts — and it was our front page that was a cold splash of water in the face — you’re welcome.

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