New York Daily News

Cyclists peddle victimhood tale


Brooklyn: Re the Op-Ed “Bicyclist deaths & police response” (June 15): These officers are trying to get all the facts, and, as writer Doug Gordon says, all will or should come out in the final report. Has Gordon even read any of the final incident reports? And if so, why have none of the facts except the one (in which the driver was unlicensed and fled the scene) that advances his bicycle narrative make it into the story? Was anyone else punished for these accidents? Or was any fault found? What happened in these incidents? Cyclist killed, no more facts, only innuendo and repeated substituti­on of the word “crash” for accident.

He goes on to describes the ticketing of cyclists as if the police are pulling over bereaved family members on a memorial ride, instead of disciplini­ng cyclists who are breaking traffic laws. Fining them might change behavior and might save their lives later on. Targeting behavior is great, but Gordon’s just talking about cars. Would it be alright if cyclists were caught up in his failure-to-yield stings or should they be given a pass yet again?

Safety begins with the individual first. Obey traffic laws, don’t pass moving vehicles, especially trucks and buses on the right, and if they start moving as you are, don’t try to dig out of the hole, let them pass. Sometimes life means yielding, and there is enough space for everyone out there.

Where is the anger at the Department of Transporta­tion and the cycling advocacy groups that push to get these people out on the street with no regulation, insurance, mandatory safety equipment or guidance? Justin Walsh

Put cops on two wheels

Brooklyn: As a cyclist who bikes for work, I’ve expressed this thought to the mayor’s office and want to share it with Daily News readers: Police squads on bicycles. If the NYPD put officers on bikes, they would quickly learn how treacherou­s and frustratin­g the city streets and bike lanes can be for cyclists. It would make it easier for them to enforce traffic violations, ticket double parked vehicles in the bike lanes, ticket cyclists running red lights, etc. Are cycling police squads too dangerous for NYPD? If so, that says volumes about the lack of concern for cyclists in this city. A painted lane on the road acts more as a loading zone in this city than a bike lane. Catherine Gasta

Play that riff

Tucson: Re “Ted Nugent now advocates ‘zero violence’ (June 15): I am deeply pleased that Nugent has stepped forward to proclaim “No more hateful rhetoric.” We have to be better people than how we have been. Naturally, there will be difference­s of opinion, and of values and morals; but we do not have to disrespect one another or our country as a result. We have been an embarrassm­ent for the world over to see. It’s not too late to polish our image. I stand proudly to say: Thank you, Ted Nugent.

Edna Crawford

Justice for themselves

Adams, Mass.: I can relate to Frank Serpico’s claims that one official who ignored his complaints of corruption went on to become a judge (“Serpico again in title role as reformer,” April 25). Back in the day, a policeman who didn’t like my looks and was bored harassed me constantly in my small town. He later became chief of police two towns over. The wannabe lawyer who was my public defender was so incompeten­t with my cases he went on to be a judge. The officer one town over left me bleeding half to death in my cell went on to be promoted to be detective. I asked a lawyer if he would take my case against that officer and his response was: “I have to work with these people.” That lawyer went on to be a judge. I couldn’t afford justice so I got none. Tim Ciuk

Heavens to Betsy

Linden, N.J.: If I may focus for a moment on the utterly trivial: What surprised me about James Comey’s testimony was his use of the term “Lordy.” I didn’t know anyone in the 21st century still used that expression.

Ron Jackowski

Long live the King

Great Neck, L.I.: This summer marks several tragic anniversar­ies: Son of Sam (40 years ago), Gianni Versace (20 years ago), the passing of Princess Diana (also 20 years ago) and, of course, the passing of America’s own King, Elvis Presley, on Aug. 16, 1977. It is so difficult for me to believe that Presley has been gone for 40 years. I was a social studies teacher in New York City, and whenever I did a cultural unit on America during the 1950s, and mentioned the impact and influence of Elvis Presley, my students would jump out of their seats and imitate him. They did this 10, 20 and 30 years after his death. I can still see them playing their imaginary guitars. These children were 10 and 11 years old, and they knew about our King. Rest in peace, Mr. Presley.

Nadine Feingold

Who else

Princeton Junction, N.J.: Who was it that said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Ave. and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters”? Of course, it was the man who became President of the United States of America. He doesn’t add anything to the political discourse except being a poor example of a leader.

Judith L. Cabral

Watergate torture

Scranton, Pa.: ’Twas June of 1972 that Watergate did arrive, a scandal so monumental, America’s prestige took a dive. The current administra­tion could have the worst scandal yet, as collusion with Russia seems a pretty safe bet. From 45 summers ago, to Dolt 45. Vin Morabito

Fire away

South Ozone Park: The head of the FBI serves at the pleasure of the President. New York City’s police chief serves at the pleasure of the mayor. The point is that no excuse is needed to fire them. The Daily News’ biased reporting is laughable, but what is not funny is this paper’s sedition, by continuing to defame President Trump. Unsubstant­iated news is not reliable news. J.L. Bezett

Quota system

Whitestone: Re “Knot qualified” (June 16), re the new New York director for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t: Liberals enact laws and create policy requiring unqualifie­d people be hired based on race and sex. I would think the Daily News would be happy when Donald Trump does it.

Jake McNicholas

Reverse gear

Edinburgh, Scotland: If you don’t get President Trump’s random new policy on Cuba, it is actually consistent with his other actions. Easing tensions between the U.S. and Cuba was an act synonymous with Obamaism. Trump hates affordable health care because it was the flagship Obama policy. He left the Paris Climate Accord because Emmanuel Macron “won” the mad handshake-off. He sacked James Comey because Comey is taller than Trump. Like a fat prom girl going round punching the slim girls, his actions have nothing to do with logic. He likes Attorney General Jeff Sessions because Sessions is small and creepy. And so on.

Amanda Baker Forest Hills: It was a terrible tragedy that Congressma­n Steve Scalise was shot and critically wounded. What’s ironic is that, while he’s getting the best health SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES care available, his vote to repeal Obamacare would cause 24 million people to lose their health insurance. Sol Bilczic

Knock it off

Richmond Hill: I totally agree with Voicer Joanne Wagner. It’s a free country, but people are not free to annoy neighbors with loud music in private homes. The city won’t give them summonses but they raise our property taxes.

John Garon Brooklyn: Until the 1960s, we had garbage cans and ash cans. The ash cans were filled with ashes from coal furnaces. Later on, coal was replaced by gas or oil. Goodbye, ash cans. So now, two new receptacle­s have made the scene: the metal-and-glass can and the paper-and-cardboard can. That wasn’t enough, so they introduced a receptacle that contains a smaller one within, which is for food scraps and yard leaves. Two to each house on the block. What next? Containers for hypodermic syringes, medical supplies and drugs? I feel as though I’m working for the Department of Sanitation. Am I eligible for a pension?

Bill Glassman

Deep jokes

Shelton, Conn.: When it comes to “Between the Lines”: 99% of them I don’t get. The 1% I don’t find funny. Does that mean I really don’t get the 1% either?

Maureen Dishian

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