New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Take a bold approach to resolving family matters and you will set yourself free for other priorities. You may need to dive into sensitive territory more than you would prefer, though if you take the lead rather than wait for others, you will build your confidence. You may also outgrow any tendency to avoid important issues, or to put up with people who do so. You share a birthday with Jello Biafra, Starhawk and Venus Williams. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Notice how people feel your presence when you walk into the room. You’re visible and much more: your energy is palpable and has an impact on people. However, you’re also a sponge, and can take on people’s pain. Make sure you do that in consciousl­y limited amounts, if at all. MAY 21-JUNE 20 Many people go through life desperatel­y trying to get the attention of their parents. This can drive the need for fame, wealth and other forms of outer success, though the struggle is really within oneself. Remember that at the core, your life is about you, not about anyone else. JUNE 21-JULY 22 It will be easy to get lost in your fantasies, though why do that when you can explore an even better reality? All you need to do is take action: express your desire, say the word, extend an invitation, and you’ll set the universe in motion. You were born to have fun, and now is a fantastic time. JULY 23-AUG. 22 If you’re experienci­ng an emotional issue that you don’t quite understand, today’s inner movements and outer events may bring you some clarity. Remember that many people are not yet on the level of consciousl­y seeking healing, though you’re very likely there. Let that be your focus. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 It’s amazing what others will do to conceal their pain, or blame others for it. If someone thinks you’ve hurt them, that’s unlikely to be true. However, you might concede one point in order to demonstrat­e that you’re willing to listen, and that way get the conversati­on going. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 There’s a genius quality to your mind these days, like you have five times your usual creative power. This will be unleashed by collaborat­ion, and a brainstorm­ing process that’s designed to be open-minded. Crack the shell, keep your sense of humor and bring in some new ideas. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Real ideas and actual solutions to persistent problems require doing things differentl­y. As many have noted, a problem can’t be solved on the same level it was created. You need to go above, below or beyond it. Do what you must to see things from a different point of view. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 If you’re feeling hurt, you’ll feel a lot better if you talk about it rather than bottle it up. This will require some vulnerabil­ity, which you often resist but which always helps you. Love does not exist in a vacuum. Emotions must pass back and forth over your personal barrier. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 You may have a tendency to over-share today, particular­ly about a personal issue that’s troubling you. Make sure that you choose the person you speak with carefully. Better if this is someone not directly involved in the situation, who can be objective and detached enough to really listen. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Don’t panic over money. Much of what you’ve been worrying about the past few days is an exaggerati­on, based on foggy perception­s or incomplete informatio­n. It’s likely that what you’re feeling is less about cash flow and more about self-esteem. If you define the problem correctly, you can resolve it. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 There’s an intensity running through you today, and everyone can feel it. It would be helpful if you stay in your body and your senses rather than worry about how others are responding to you, however. Trust your sensitivit­y. Stay with your feelings, and listen to what your body is telling you.

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