New York Daily News

Renew mayoral control now


Gov. Cuomo says “mayoral control does not have the support it needs to pass.” That means that Cuomo must rally the Senate and Assembly to find the support needed to ensure the city’s chief elected official keeps the authority he needs and deserves to manage the nation’s largest school system.

If a bill is not passed and signed into law by June 30, the old, failed, wheely-dealy central Board of Education will rise from the dead on July 1, with the mayor selecting two members and each borough president naming one.

These seven, who cannot be removed even by the official who appointed them, will run the schools with more than a million kids.

Whatever you think of Mayor de Blasio’s stewardshi­p of the schools — and we’ve got plenty of problems with it — we elected him, and get to vote him out if we don’t like what he’s doing.

If the law lapses, it gets worse next May when the 32 local school boards would return. The nine-member panels, chosen in elections with 2% turnout, were swamps of patronage, corruption and outright thievery.

We all know that GOP Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan doesn’t like de Blasio. This is not about de Blasio.

City schools now have their highest graduation rates and lowest dropout rates and climbing test scores. Still, Flanagan plays games with kids’ futures. Who in hell is he? How dare he take political revenge against de Blasio using children.

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