New York Daily News


Monster teen dad denies pummeling helpless Nylah – & his new gal is pregnant


Shaquan Taylor blamed 16-monthold Nylah Lewis’ life-threatenin­g injuries on her mother as he cried, “I didn’t do nothing” at Rikers Island on Wednesday.

Her (the toddler’s mom) I hit. I admit that. That’s a fact. SHAQUAN TAYLOR

A BROOKLYN TEEN accused of beating his 16-month-old daughter into a coma has another baby on the way, he revealed in a weepy jailhouse interview.

Shaquan Taylor, 19, denied attacking the helpless tot, claiming he’s nothing more than a doting dad. He cried and pleaded for sympathy in the Wednesday chat, complainin­g he hasn’t been eating or sleeping since being locked up on Rikers Island.

He’s charged with the Father’s Day beatdown that left daughter Nylah Lewis with multiple skull fractures, bleeding on the brain and a black eye.

“I didn’t do nothing. I didn’t do nothing at all,” he told the Daily News.

Taylor offered a confusing and convoluted series of excuses for Nylah’s injuries, ticking them off in rapid succession.

First he said Nylah fell off the toilet at his Coney Island apartment while he was cleaning her face. He says he grabbed her by the legs as she fell. Taylor later told The News that he took a shower and heard a loud thud from the living room where he left the toddler all alone on a couch and found her on a hardwood floor.

Investigat­ors said none of the girl’s injuries are consistent with a fall.

Taylor also said the girl’s mother gave him medicine since the tot was sick. When he fed her earlier in the day she started throwing up.

“Do you know what it’s like to be here for something I didn’t do?” he sobbed.

“I asked the COs (correction officers) if this is a dream,” he added before making a reference to a recent arrest. “This isn’t real. I just got out of here.”

Taylor said he’s expecting his second child, with a different woman. This one’s a boy.

Meanwhile, Nylah was still in critical condition at Maimonides Medical Center late Wednesday. The cherubic tot needed a blood transfusio­n on Sunday. Officials feared the battered child wouldn’t survive the attack and she remains on life support.

“She’s my first daughter, she’s my blood. Why would I hit her?” Taylor said, before admitting that he never wanted to become a father in the first place.

He copped to initially wanting Nylah’s mother, 17-year-old Tammy Lewis, to get an abortion when he found out she was pregnant. He claims he later changed his mind.

“I stepped up,” he said, adding that his own father wasn’t around much.

Taylor was charged with felony assault, acting in a manner injurious to a child younger than 17. He was also charged with beating Lewis.

“Her I hit. I admit that,” he said. “That’s a fact.”

Nylah was fighting for breath when the mother arrived Sunday, and Tammy grabbed the girl and stormed out of the apartment. Taylor chased the pair down to the lobby, where he slugged the mother as she clutched their little girl.

Medics arrived and rushed the girl to the hospital as Taylor continued to chase and beat the teen mom.

“She lies,” he said of his former flame. “I don’t talk to her, only to pick up Nylah.”

Taylor remained held on $250,000 bail Wednesday, a day after marking his 19th birthday behind bars.

“I coulda ran,” the deranged dad said. “I didn’t have to be here. I could’ve been free.”

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 ??  ?? Shaquan Taylor (above) told Daily News Wednesday from jail that his baby daughter Nylah Lewis (seen with mom Tammy Lewis) fell and that’s why she’s in a coma. Investigat­ors have said the girl’s injuries are not consistent with a fall.
Shaquan Taylor (above) told Daily News Wednesday from jail that his baby daughter Nylah Lewis (seen with mom Tammy Lewis) fell and that’s why she’s in a coma. Investigat­ors have said the girl’s injuries are not consistent with a fall.
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