New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Get your momentum going on the erotic front, and you’ll keep it going throughout the year. Your birthday chart talks about the kinds of pleasures that you experience in the moment, without the need for attachment. Yet those experience­s will build bonds of union based on empathy and caring, which can lead to productive and nourishing relationsh­ips. You share a birthday with Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Laura Branigan and Tom Cruise. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You may still be feeling a little edgy, especially if you recently found yourself in an argument of some kind. However, if you let the issue go, it will likely disappear into the mists. No matter who is angry at whom, place your attention elsewhere and let things settle down. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Partners or loved ones may have been on edge or remote the past few days, and it’s likely that they’ve had something pressing on their mind. Give them some space and time to open up, and be especially gentle. This is a good time to remember their favorite food and bring them some. MAY 21-JUNE 20 Most of your personal concerns will come back to what you eat or drink, and how much. Rather than trying to get a grip all at once, observe yourself carefully. All meaningful change starts with awareness, which leads to seeing choices, which leads to making decisions. Proceed in order. JUNE 21-JULY 22 You’ve learned something about the impact of your words and ideas the past few days, and you’ll need to keep those lessons in mind. You have more influence than you may think, even if others are not letting on. Therefore, be conscious and plan carefully what you say and how you say it. JULY 23-AUG. 22 You seem to be set free from anxiety that was vexing you over the weekend. Seen one way, this demonstrat­es how useless it is to worry, and yet at the same time, doesn’t tell you much about how to get out of the loop. It helps to be transparen­t with people you sincerely trust. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 You may feel like there’s no good option for how to handle a sensitive financial situation, though a solution is at hand. This will require using often spoken of but rarely employed ‘outside the box’ thinking. Finding that will depend on stating the problem itself in a way that’s outside the box. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Sometimes astrologic­al aspects look like rare gems, and you have one in your chart today. You have in your hand the opportunit­y to conduct a sensitive, potentiall­y difficult discussion about a matter of sexual truth or healing, with much greater ease than you imagined. Take it while you can. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Sometimes it’s necessary to make sure people know what you mean, and now might be one such time. Be bold about getting your views out to the widest audience you need to. But be sensitive. Keep the human touch, and the common touch. You are speaking to the family of humanity. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You seem to be invested in something, or more likely, someone. The next two weeks will provide a test of how that investment is working out. Be prepared for a shakeup. The point of that would be to get you out of your thought boxes and wheel ruts. You need to move freely. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 You would be wise to listen carefully to the ideas of others, because they will likely provide you with the clue that you’re seeking. The benefit of other minds is that they’re outside of your point of view and are likely to see you and your world more objectivel­y. You need this perspectiv­e. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 If you want to be in charge, don’t announce that fact; merely conduct yourself in a profession­al way, and strive to get the job done. What, however, is the benefit of being boss? Your co-equal colleagues will be the most supportive. Stay close to the ground, where the real work happens. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 If you’re on a roll, stay on that roll, and see where your journey leads you. You’re doing something interestin­g, which is integratin­g three facets of life often considered entirely separate or contradict­ory: the erotic, the creative and the spiritual. These are the winning combinatio­n.

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