New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


There comes a time when everyone must confront the past, so they can move on to the future that they want. For you, that time has arrived. Fortunatel­y, what we call the past exists only in memory, which includes the patterns you live by. You will wake up before many around you. Don’t let anyone hold you back from the experience­s and the love you want. You share a birthday with Emily Bronte, Kate Bush and Laurence Fishburne. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You’re feeling desire and passion that’s unfamiliar to the world lately. Yet if you follow what your emotions and your body are calling you to experience, you’ll have a rare opportunit­y to dive deep into the human experience. You just can’t do these things on other planets the way you can here. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Take a laid-back approach if others get testy with you today. Act as if nothing could possibly harm you or knock you out of sorts. You are, in fact, in a position of power, which largely comes from your own confidence and self-awareness. You don’t ever have to be defensive, only patient. MAY 21-JUNE 20 As you dare to experience what’s entirely unfamiliar, you’ll also feel your presence and your personal power in new ways. The two are closely related. When you stand in your feelings, awareness and knowledge, you concentrat­e your influence. People notice you, and want what you have. JUNE 21-JULY 22 Keeping your awareness open puts you in an extraordin­arily strong position. Denial of any kind weakens you. Therefore, pay attention, especially to what’s percolatin­g through your own mind. Slow down enough to observe your thoughts and perception­s; they contain all you need to know. JULY 23-AUG. 22 It’s possible that a piece of your most private business becomes public today, which will be good for you. True, you might not like it initially, but what you learn about yourself will more than compensate for any embarrassm­ent. There’s also something pleasurabl­e about being revealed. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Keep in mind that people in positions of authority are people. They’re often influenced by their feelings, not just by their intelligen­ce — even the smartest among them. Be sensitive to their humanity and you will make a friend. Support them emotionall­y and they will be truly grateful. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 What you start today has an excellent chance of manifestin­g into something positive. Use this opportunit­y well: You have an extraordin­arily fertile moment, and you can plant anything you want. One thing I suggest is: Consider what hurt or injury you need to heal, and set about that process. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Keep a cool head. Whatever you’re concerned about is not as serious as you think, and you’re taking something personally that’s not personal. There’s no real threat to your authority; nobody is going to outsmart you, unless you do it yourself. Take a breath and get some distance. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Whatever seems to be troubling you, it’s not as bad as it seems — or what it seems. It’s just that you’re responding on a deep and emotional level, and you may not understand why. If you’ll be patient, within a day or two when the Moon enters your sign, it’ll make a lot more sense. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Keep a tight lid on any discussion­s of your finances or intimate life; that would include being cautious who you talk to, where you talk to them, and what you put into writing. There would seem to be a keen interest in your private affairs, which are none of anyone’s business. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Sidestep conflicts this week and be in a position to negotiate. That means a process of give-andtake, which is always facilitate­d by knowing your priorities. There are some points you can yield on, where you don’t give up much but others feel that they gain. Start there. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 You’re a resourcefu­l person, and if you use your mind, you’ll see how much you have available. Play a little game where if you discover that you need something, assume that need will be provided — if you ask for it. This may seem silly, but in truth, you could call it Manifestat­ion 101.

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