New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


You will thrive on transparen­cy, which means revealing all the things you are reluctant to say about yourself. The fact that we’re stalked and spied upon by our various devices, and reveal certain thoughts on social platforms, does not diminish the human need to be self-revealing, in an honest and entirely self-motivated way. You will feel better about yourself. You share a birthday with Dorothy Parker, John Lee Hooker and Tori Amos. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Desire may be as close as you ever get to seeing the future. It’s a powerful form of visioning, and you must exercise your strength consciousl­y. Do this from the most positive place, and let yourself be motivated by at least one brilliant possibilit­y that you’re willing to work for daily. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 In any situation for which you have responsibi­lity — whether it involves family, your workplace or a community project — there are old problems that need to be solved. Before forging ahead into new territory, make sure you address the lingering issues that will be easier to solve sooner rather than later. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You may feel as if you’re pressing forward with some matters left unresolved. However, you’ve done what you can for now, and you’ll have to let certain things take care of themselves, particular­ly if they involve something that’s been delegated to a partner, assistant or employee. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 If the concept of spirituali­ty means anything, it would start with seeing your own needs as being related to those of everyone else. That’s a radical point of view in our “me first and only” era of history, though there are people you care about profoundly, who truly are part of you. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Current aspects are reminding you to be extraordin­arily thoughtful in your relations with others, particular­ly financial. There would seem to be old business that you must attend to, for the sake of what is right and true, and for the sake of good karma. Be meticulous and overgenero­us. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Less is asked of you than you may think, though you must be alert and strong, and hold space for the right thing to happen. That means listening, being observant and saying the right thing at the right time. Trust that you know the truth; the question is how to make it relevant.

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