New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Don’t be distracted by your anger or irritation. Rather, use these things as a source of strength, power and inspiratio­n. Motivate yourself with the desire to change, to grow and to change the world. Large forces are at work in your life, and if you keep your hands on the wheel, you will be able to guide yourself to bold and interestin­g destinatio­ns. You share a birthday with Rita Dove, Jack Black and Florence Welch. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 The thing about good sex is that it always feels a little risky or daring. This tends to be why people seek risk and call it good. You can seek goodness; that is, aspire to loving passion, and call it good. The more you offer others what they need, the more you’ll abundantly have what you need. APRIL 20-MAY 20 The world always seems to resist the best ideas; at first, anyway. That puts the responsibi­lity on everyone – from inventors to songwriter­s – to persist, and to do their best work despite anyone claiming that an airplane could never fly or that building a bridge across the East River is impossible. MAY 21-JUNE 20 It’s important to account for the ways that family messes us up, so you’re in a better position to set yourself free of them. As you do that, you can claim the positive qualities you have, which you might not, had different people raised you. Those are yours, to do what you want with. JUNE 21-JULY 22 You may not be ready to go back to work today, though you can take some of the lush and imaginativ­e feelings of the weekend with you wherever you go. Notice the sublime in every exchange with another person. Feel who people really are, even if you think you know them well. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Financial matters can get sticky when there’s some emotional attachment involved. This is, however, the way of our society: Romantic partnershi­ps tend to become domestic partnershi­ps, which then become business affairs. Take care of the business aspect first. Everyone must pay their fair share. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Most of what people think are their own ideas about themselves were installed by others when they were little. This is something that you’re becoming aware of in yourself, though awareness isn’t enough; you must consciousl­y disavow what does not belong to you, and what does not serve you. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Certain things about you may seem like they were never meant to be revealed. Yet in our particular age everything eventually comes out. You have your own personal reasons for wanting to be transparen­t, which mainly involve letting off psychic pressure. Plan for this over the next few days. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Venus gracing the most visible angle of your solar chart casts you as an admirable person whose favor people want to gain. Set aside any thoughts of not being good enough, or of feeling too different to count. You set a shining and necessary example to others, and they depend on you. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You seem to be driven by an impulse that you don’t fully understand. As long as you keep it positive, you’ll do just fine. Let your emotions motivate you, without the need to express anger or negativity. If you feel that coming on, just gently back away. This will make more sense tomorrow. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Your beliefs about a deeply important matter are changing. More accurately, you’re beginning to ask the right questions, which are penetratin­g your assumption­s and revealing how little they are based on. Doing this will only make you more intelligen­t, a quality which depends on being flexible. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Today is not the day to pull an authority trip on anyone. You may think you’re right and you may even be right, though you need a more workable approach; that is, if you plan to get what you want. Invest your energy into seeking as many viewpoints and opinions as you can. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Don’t let anyone back you into a corner, with their ideas or otherwise. Someone close to you may be looking at the world through the wrong end of binoculars, while you’re using a wide-angle lens. You can see things they cannot; that gives you a greater potential for understand­ing – including of them.

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