New York Daily News


U.S. general disputes kill report


WASHINGTON — ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appears to be still alive, a top U.S. military commander said Thursday, contradict­ing Russia’s claims that it probably killed the top counterter­ror target months ago.

“Do I believe he's alive? Yes,” said Army Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, who commands the coalition forces fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, referring to Baghdadi.

At first, Townsend said his belief stemmed from a lack of evidence he had seen — “rumor or otherwise” — that Baghdadi (right) was dead. But, he then added: “There are also some indicators in intelligen­ce channels that he’s alive.” Townsend did not elaborate on

Russian officials said in June there was a “high probabilit­y” that the terrorist mastermind died in a Russian air strike on the outskirts of Raqqa, Syria, a month earlier.

Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon from his headquarte­rs in Baghdad, Townsend said U.S. and coalition forces are actively searching for Baghdadi. If they find him, they probably will kill him rather than capture him, the intelligen­ce. he said.

A good guess about where Baghdadi is hiding, Townsend said, would be the so-called Middle Euphrates River Valley, stretching approximat­ely from the city of Deir el-Zour in eastern Syria to the town of Rawa in western Iraq. He said this area is shaping up to be the group’s “last stand” following its ouster from nearly all of northern Iraq.Townsend said he hopes the U.S. government works out an arrangemen­t for a long-term military presence in Iraq to minimize the chances of another ISIS-like


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