New York Daily News

Judicial elections & the City Bar


Manhattan: We at the New York City Bar Associatio­n were astonished and dismayed by your editorial assertion (“Courting corruption,” Sept. 6) that our “supposedly straight arrow” Judiciary Committee that has been independen­tly evaluating candidates for New York judgeships since 1870 is “influence(d)” by “a honcho in the Brooklyn bar,” and is consequent­ly “tainted by bosses.” That accusation is false, insulting to a respected volunteer enterprise and beneath your paper's editorial dignity.

The City Bar’s stated core purpose at its founding was to ensure an independen­t judiciary and a justice system that is free of corrupt influence and works for all. Our 50-member Judiciary Committee evaluates every candidate for New York City judgeships, among other judicial candidates, and is comprised of some of the most thoughtful, dedicated and independen­t lawyers in New York City.

We agree with the thrust of your editorial, that “electing judges is a bad idea.” The City Bar has long argued that a judicial selection process by appointmen­t of finalists selected by independen­t commission­s is preferable to current methods of election, to avoid even the appearance of influence by party leaders and cronyism in the nomination process for selecting candidates.

But falsely accusing the City Bar’s Judiciary Committee of being influenced and “tainted” by bosses — without a single supporting fact, when that committee performs truly independen­t reviews of the candidates who are nominated for judgeships through party processes in which it is not involved — is not an effective or credible way to advance the changes the editorial advocates.

John S. Kiernan, president, New York City Bar Associatio­n

Drawing fair district line

Mount Sinai, L.I.: A bipartisan group is trying to end gerrymande­ring (“Bid to end gerrymande­ring,” Sept. 7). Wow, it’s about time. If districts need to be split or added to, why don’t we use zip codes? If a split needed to be made it could be with a northsouth line or east-west. That may be too simple, but it would reflect the district better than the current system. And while they are changing things, how about only one item per bill, no pork added!

Rich Howell

Collusion logic

Bronx: After all is said and done, let’s just ask a simple question: Who benefited from the Russian interferen­ce in the election? We already know that the Russians interfered with our 2016 elections; our intelligen­ce agencies have proven this. But let’s throw all that out the window. Let’s ask the simple question. Who profited from the Russians getting involved in our elections? There’s only one answer to that question: the Republican­s! It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.

David Gonzalez

Warming up to hurricanes

South Wellfleet, Mass.: On Nov. 12, 2012, Donald Trump tweeted: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufactur­ing noncompeti­tive.” I’m sure all those in Texas who are now suffering with the catastroph­ic effects of Hurricane Harvey, and those who are currently in the path of the projected-to-be-calamitous Hurricane Irma, couldn’t agree more. Mike Rice

Hollow Hil

Cincinnati: Hillary Clinton is experience­d and studied (“Why? Why? — Hil,” Sept. 7). She drills into the innards of problems and proposes solutions. But she is also characteri­zed by an absence of insight and exceptiona­lly poor timing. Had she, in the wake of her defeat, assumed personal responsibi­lity, she would not be subject to demands for an explanatio­n at this late date. But she did not. She left the impression that she could not fathom how the inevitable candidate lost to the deplorable one, how the USS Clinton foundered, splinterin­g on the shoals of defeat. She initially blamed everyone but herself — the Russians, the director of the FBI, you, me and the bogeyman behind the tree. That’s why there will be no Henry David Thoreau Prize for self-awareness this year. Walden Pond electors announced that Hillary Clinton, the sole nominee after her presidenti­al loss and subsequent prolonged period of self-examinatio­n, simply did not manifest the mettle for the medal.

Paul Bloustein

Fear of poverty

Jackson Heights: From what I am hearing about Hillary Clinton’s new book, “What Happened,” it sounds as though the book is more like a collection of fairy tales, blaming everyone for why she lost the presidenti­al election. I suspect she may think she needs the money from the book sales and the speaking tours, because she is fearful she might end up being “dead broke” again, the same way she claimed to be when she left the White House in 2000.

Charles M. Barthold

She works hardly for money

North Arlington, N.J.: Hillary Clinton may have lost her presidenti­al run, but she hasn’t lost any of her chutzpah when it comes to sucking up the cash. People in the industry have said her $2,375 top ticket price for her Montreal book-signing has establishe­d a new level of greed in the industry. It’s reported that for your $2,375 you will get to have a photo taken with the woman, who in spite of spending $1.2 billion of other people’s money on her campaign managed to lose to a political nobody. Janet Rose

So many reasons

Brooklyn: Two things come to mind re Hillary’s latest money grab (the book). 1) Shouldn’t it be called “Please Clap”? 2) If 100% of the proceeds for this ghostwritt­en book don’t go to women’s rape centers and similar charities, that proves Clinton is the female Trump: Money and greed and narcissism are her only principles. Mildred Manham

Clean-burning fuel

Manhattan: For a stronger economy and cleaner environmen­t, New York needs more natural gas and renewable power. Unfortunat­ely, state policymake­rs focus too much on renewable energy and regularly block reasonable proposals for more natural gas. This includes the Constituti­on and Millennium pipelines. With the Indian Point nuclear plant, which provides 10% of the state’s electricit­y, scheduled to close in 2021, we have a big energy supply challenge. When nuclear plants close, the bulk of their power has been replaced by natural gas. The state should develop an energy plan that continues support for our remaining nuclear plants and clears the way for more natural gas. Otherwise, electricit­y price spikes and power outages are likely to happen. The time is now for planning and approving — not four years from now when it may be too late. Jerry Kremer New York Affordable Reliable

Electricit­y Alliance

The North Korea scam

Carlsbad, Calif.: The President, the politician­s and the news media need something to talk about so they chose to make the North Korea missile test a threat to the United States. Even if North Korea had an atomic warhead, they would not dare use it because we have many more atomic bombs than they would ever have. Also, the U.S. should not police the world at the expense of our young people’s lives, plus our budget. Conflicts between nations should be handled by the United Nations, not bigbusines­s investors that control our government through large campaign contributi­ons. The reason for every war since World War II has been to obtain no-bid contracts for big business. The U.S. and other legitimate countries should not have any dealings with dictatorsh­ips and bolster their economies. Herbert Pairitz

Got it covered

BRYAN SMITH Manhattan: To Voicers Ronald Cohen and Julie Hinds, who criticized the Daily News for placing the Red Sox sign-stealing scandal on last Wednesday’s cover instead of Trump’s rescinding of DACA: The News covered the suspension the day before, with the headline “DREAM CRUSHER,” in anticipati­on of his Tuesday announceme­nt. They wrote in the paper, “After more than a year of contradict­ory statements and mixed signals, President Trump will unveil Tuesday his plan for 800,000 law-abiding, longtime residents of the United States — who could now be in danger of deportatio­n.” The News was on it, that very morning. Yvonne Fitzner

Even better Daily News

Brooklyn: I love picking up The News at my door each morning and reading it right after my breakfast coffee! Perhaps now with new owners affiliated with the Chicago Tribune and the L.A. Times, The News will be able to include reviews of TV, movies and theater — which I have sorely missed. That will make The News even better than before! (Some financial and business news would also be nice.) Joel Brenner

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