New York Daily News

Constituti­on Day isn’t just past


Staten Island: Today, Sept. 17, is Constituti­on Day, marking the signing of the Constituti­on in 1787 in Philadelph­ia. After months of deliberati­on and debates, the delegates to the Constituti­onal Convention signed this document, which remains the oldest written national constituti­on still in use today. Yet, ask many Americans what happened on Sept. 17, and they return blank stares. Even fewer will know that since 2004, Constituti­on Day has been an official national observance.

In our Constituti­on’s preamble, our founders declared liberty for future generation­s when they wrote their intent to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” But a nation will never secure what it does not teach — and therefore, does not understand. It is up to us to fulfill this charge.

Young people must be taught the principles of liberty, the importance of understand­ing it, the reasons for loving it, and the necessity — and means — of preserving it. Schoolhous­es across the country should embrace Constituti­on Day as an opportunit­y to deliberate on the original meaning behind the preamble’s words of “union,” “justice,” “tranquilit­y,” “common defense,” “general welfare” and “liberty.”

Reagan was right. For only by understand­ing our freedoms — and the constituti­onal, limited government that protects them — can we defend them. And only by defending them can we preserve them and pass them on to future generation­s. Let’s not forget Sept. 17.

Chris DeSanctis

Bring back Hell service

Massapequa, L.I.: Now that the Summer of Hell is over for the LIRR and the media is no longer reporting about LIRR troubles, it’s back to the same old crappy service. In the first week after Labor Day, my 6:15 a.m. train from Massapequa to Penn Station has missed the connecting train to Atlantic Terminal meaning an additional wait of 15 minutes on the Jamaica platform, and making me late for work twice out of four days. Thanks a lot LIRR for restoring normal service. Please go back to the Summer of Hell service. I was not late once all summer. Mike Meehan

Dishing on a date

Cleveland: Once again the fake news media takes a disrespect­ful shot at our President along with his wife Melania. This is with regards to the article about Candice Bergen wearing a shirt saying “Free Melania” with her attempt to promote her new movie. I thought she was a classy actress but obviously she has changed my opinion. Could you ever imagine someone wearing a shirt saying “Free Louis Malle”? What a rude and disrespect­ful stunt Bergen did to promote her upcoming movie, which I will not see. Watch out for karma!

Susan M. Clark Rego Park: There are old messages that aren’t sinking in for some reason. One is, “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage.” That’s the proper order. Many people are setting a bad example by ignoring this, especially celebritie­s. Bernice Chorzepa

Who is voting?

Flushing: Last year, the City Council was considerin­g legislatio­n to enable undocument­ed immigrants in NYC to vote for local officials, including the mayor. I have not heard anything about such a bill being enacted, and the November elections are fast approachin­g. If anyone has informatio­n about this matter, please respond. This would be a case of extreme self-interest on de Blasio’s part, and, I believe, unlawful. Jessica Wolff

Comic edge

Sprakers, N.Y.: To all those coming down hard on “Between the Lines”: You are right, it should not be in this paper. It is much too sophistica­ted for Daily News readers. It is intelligen­tly written and, once you crack the code, very, very funny. The problem is that it requires some thought on the part of the reader. It is a good brain exercise, like the old New Yorker comic panels. You have to think a little. Nobody wants to do that anymore.

Bobby Zebone

Lies about Dreamers

Manhattan: To Voicer Mena A. Marano: I tend to respect people’s views on all things, whether I agree with them or not. I prefer people not being name callers, angry or aggressive when trying to make their point. Most important, however, is that they at least have the facts. Your facts on Dreamers, sadly, are non-existent. Every Dreamer was vetted before being accepted into the program. The average age when they were brought here is around 6 years old — some younger, some slightly older. They have known no other country and many didn’t even know they weren’t American. Each person has to complete many items on a checklist to remain in the program. In five years, they have a 95% success rate with nearly all either in school or working and owning homes. None have committed murder or any crimes that would put them behind bars. This would disqualify them from the DACA program and jeopardize their status as well as their families. We do have an illegal immigratio­n problem that needs to be dealt with, but DACA is not one of them. Doreen Canuelas

Low count of kooks

Brooklyn: What happened to Voice of the People? Friday’s comments didn’t include one letter from a raving nut!

Stan Sinberg

Danger at the top

Little Egg Harbor, N.J.: Assuming that you speak for those of us who love this country of ours, some of the letters sent are published and some are not. Could you please explain why a letter such as the one written by Voicer Beverly Cooke would be chosen to print? Apparently you do not agree with Jemele Hill or ESPN, but with the hate spouted by KKK lovers, that’s perfectly okay? Here is a President voted in by hate groups who promises something one day and takes it back the next. When a man gives his word to anybody, he should be man enough to keep it. Does this schizoid person know what it means to give his word or is he just someone who stands in the playground calling everyone ugly names with no honor of his own? The American Dream is being murdered by prejudice. Wake up America, or we are doomed! Rose S. Wilson

All quiet from Hillary fans

Glen Head, L.I: It has been more than a while since Hurricanes Harvey and Irma devastated parts of the USA, and not one progressiv­e liberal Democrat crybaby Hillary supporter has blamed President Trump for causing these hurricanes! After all, Trump pulled the USA out of the Paris climate accord, and to the liberal mentality, that was sufficient proof that Trump was responsibl­e! Or maybe the President colluded with the Russians to cause these hurricanes? You Hillary supporters are really disappoint­ing the Voice of the People universe. You’ve given us nothing to laugh at for weeks. But we do have Hillary’s new book to fill the comedic void!

Robert Kralick

Donors all

North Massapequa, L.I.: My best to Selena Gomez for a speedy recovery from her kidney transplant. I’m sure God will bless that donor for this “gift.” In your side box, it stated that 123,000 people are waiting for a donated kidney and that 12 die each day waiting for a kidney. That stat is only for kidneys. What is the stat for people waiting for whatever transplant? Shouldn’t it be mandated that everyone in the U.S. upon death is an automatic donor? If you don’t want to be a donor, you can “opt out” on your license, like today you can “opt in” on your license to be a donor.

Steven Malichek

Making everything legal

Ridgewood: To Voicer Herman Kolender: The reason why crime in the city is at its lowest point is because what was once a felony arrest during the Giuliani and Bloomberg administra­tions is now a summons under the de Blasio administra­tion. Did you know that it is now okay to pee in public? You can thank de Blasio for that! As for what you called the end to unlawful stop and frisks, haven’t you noticed the number of cops and innocent people who have died this year due to gun violence? Don’t always believe what the mayor’s press office releases. Remember, elections are coming up, and lies are bound to be said.

Francheisk­o Perez

TV repeats

GETTY East Hartford, Conn.: To Voicer Rose Juno, who complained about movies being repeated endlessly on TV: Have you ever tried the On Demand feature on your cable remote? You can find thousands of movies there; all years, all genres and most are free of charge or at low cost to you the subscriber. No commercial­s either. Jim Miller

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