New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Tend to yourself every day, with commitment and discipline, and you’ll soon discover that you have a satisfying life. When matters come up for healing, focus on healing. When it’s time to work, bring all your talent to the project. Others are counting on you for inspiratio­n, and trust that you are a sound example of how to live in these challengin­g times. You share a birthday with Anne Rice, Susan Sarandon and Jon Secada. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You may feel some longing that you don’t understand, and therefore cannot respond to. Yet that’s the mark of a genuinely spiritual emotion: it defies easy definition, and calls on you to reach back in its direction, even if you’re uncertain what you’re doing or why. Trust your intuition on this. APRIL 20-MAY 20 You have more impact than you may recognize. Set aside your insecurity, lower your voice a bit, and let your vibes do the talking. Recognize that people perceive you as intense, so you don’t need to push up the energy for anything other than taking the occasional solo. Then bow and be gracious. MAY 21-JUNE 20 Your presence is so compelling that it’s a form of leadership. There is, in fact, such a thing as charisma, and it’s something that you excel at as a Gemini. Usually this comes through your words, though today it’s going to radiate out of your physical body for all to feel. JUNE 21-JULY 22 Understand­ing is not just a mental phenomenon. Sometimes you know something in your cells, and that describes you today. Your heightened awareness is both teaching you and compelling you to grow, which is a form of orderly change. You can trust this process. You are ready for more. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Note carefully who is describing an emotional injury of some kind, and what they think is the source of that hurt. While current circumstan­ces are playing a role, and call for extreme sensitivit­y, the issues go back much further. If you take a calm, thoughtful approach, you’ll gain a deeper understand­ing. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 You may be experienci­ng a potent attraction to someone, and lately are tuned into erotic and romantic vibes more than usual. It’s often your tendency to rescue injured people, though you might reconsider that. Be of whatever help you can be, and be compassion­ate, though don’t take on anyone’s burdens. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 You need experience, which is the thing that most people fear. Experience will put you into places and states of mind that are unfamiliar and perhaps a little scary, in that you’ll have to stretch your boundaries. Then you will have something all your own, which will support your next adventure. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You have all the informatio­n you need; the question is, will you act on it? You don’t need to move in a lurch; you don’t need to react. You merely need to be sensitive to what your mind and your senses are telling you. Notice how you feel, and prepare to respond appropriat­ely. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 If you’re called into duty, consider whether responding is the right thing, then do so with your mind, body and soul. Be committed and give yourself to not just the task at hand, but the person you’re serving. There’s plenty at stake: their reputation, your reputation, and the larger purpose of your mission. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You seem to be waking up to a matter of deep personal meaning, and not a moment too soon. This is less a matter of what to say or what to do than it is about how you feel, and what your feelings mean to you. There’s no wiggle room here; there’s no time for games. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 You may be called upon to play a special role in someone’s life today or tomorrow. The odd thing about this situation is that there’s little in it for you except the pleasure of helping someone who is in need, and the reminder of how much integrity it takes to do so.

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