New York Daily News


- Spielberg

He’s one of the most ambitious and accomplish­ed directors of our time, but getting dressed every day is no easy task for


“I have all the movies I made in my head, but I can’t find my socks in the morning,” he told us at the premiere of the HBO documentar­y “Spielberg” at Lincoln Center. “Something has to give and that’s usually the stuff that falls out of the memory.”

According to the 70-year-old filmmaker, whose credits include “Jaws,” “E.T.,” and “Saving Private Ryan,” seeing director

movie about him was an enlighteni­ng experience.

“I found out how much I truly love my sisters, and and what my mom and dad did for all of us and how my dad continues to give in his life at 100 and-ahalf-and my mom, who I lost this year, continues to be with me,” he said. “I realized, like George Bailey at the end of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ at the end of watching Susan’s documentar­y, I realized how many friends I truly have in this world.”

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