New York Daily News



What separates Harvey Weinstein from serial rapists who are reviled the world over? Nothing. Well, except money and power. If even half the allegation­s are true, he is as bad as every slimy rapist hiding in a dark alley. He should have been prosecuted by Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance in 2015 when actress Ambra Battilana Gutierrez caught him on tape. Instead, Vance decided to do right by Harvey and do wrong by the victim, the police and the public by not pursuing a case against the alleged monster of the movies. As more women come forward with allegation­s of sexual assault, rape, harassment, being forced to watch him masturbate, invitation­s for naked massages, or having oral sex forced upon them, it’s adding up to more women being assaulted by him than not. Who did he miss, The Golden Girls? Seriously, let’s think about the ego of a subhuman who’d do this. I mean, if you looked like a big hairy horny missing link, wouldn’t you open the door fully covered like a Bedouin instead of in your untidy whities? Nooo. That’s something you can’t un-see even if you just imagine it, let alone if, God forbid, you actually saw it. What was he thinking? Did this sick man, as his brother called him, believe that exposing his obese, hairy body to frightened women — in a town full of perfectly perfect male actors — would immediatel­y seduce gorgeous actresses and models into wanting to see more Harvey?

Did he think that by settling sexual assault lawsuits instead of stopping them that he’d get away with it forever?

Did his egomania make him think that not one of the women he allegedly raped, harassed or assaulted would ever become powerful enough herself to bring him to his knees where he forced her to be?

The answers are probably yes to all of the above because powerful men like weirdo Weinstein believe, as Henry Kissinger once creepily exclaimed, “power is the ultimate aphrodisia­c.”

Or, it seems in Weinstein’s case, the ultimate rape bait.

Meantime, the movie mogul who was clearly born without the genes for shame or remorse — until it cost him his family, his wife and his company — is planning, according to the Wall Street Journal, to crash the Weinstein Co. board meeting on Tuesday.

He believes they shouldn’t have canned his butt because his 2015 contract states that he and the company would together deal with any future sexual harassment or “misconduct” and so far no claims have been filed.

Neverthele­ss, he’s done, finished, the end, sure.

But Harvey can’t imagine Hollywood without Harvey.

Through the bravado, is a man as desperate and alone as the women he may have assaulted felt. They too had no one to help them and no one to turn to.

Hopefully the Manhattan district attorney is feeling the desperatio­n as well. Is he worrying/wondering if Harvey assaulted any women after HE let him off the hook? For that there is no defense, Mr. Vance. Giving new meaning to soul, er, sole kissing, a man in England kissed his first caught fish of the day on the mouth as Brit tradition dictates, giving us yet another reason to never move there. However, the kiss caused the 6-inch Dover sole to jump into fisherman Sam Quilliam’s mouth, get lodged in his throat and choke off his air supply, almost killing him instead of the other way around. Why Quilliam had his mouth wide open while kissing a fish remains, thankfully, a mystery, although he says he’ll keep kissing fish, but “probably just a bit bigger ... and not a sole.” I hear Chilean sea bass is not just tasty on the plate but the make-out king of the sea.

 ??  ?? Two guys grow up in the same Michigan county. One is raised in a lovely colonial house on 6 acres, the other on the wrong side of 8 Mile in a tiny rundown house. One released a worshipful, pro-Trump music video called, “American Bad Ass.” The other...
Two guys grow up in the same Michigan county. One is raised in a lovely colonial house on 6 acres, the other on the wrong side of 8 Mile in a tiny rundown house. One released a worshipful, pro-Trump music video called, “American Bad Ass.” The other...
 ??  ??

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