New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


You must shake off your attachment­s to the past, and live with your heart in the present moment, and your eyes looking forward. The past is not what you think it was, and all those things that once existed are no longer relevant. You of all people have the power to go beyond the expectatio­ns of your family. You are a pioneer of the future. You share a birthday with Dan Castellane­ta, Winona Ryder, and Gabrielle Union. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 You may catch a glimpse of the future today, and see something that goes beyond an idle hope or dream. You will know you’re looking at something real because it feels solid and tangible. Yes, this is a matter of imaginatio­n, though that grounded feeling means something is attainable. APRIL 20-MAY 20 Keep moving in unfamiliar directions, particular­ly with your work. Expand into challengin­g parts of your job, and be willing to take on new responsibi­lities. The world needs intelligen­t, spirituall­y grounded leaders right now, and you are a candidate. Service is the highest calling. MAY 21-JUNE 20 Mars and Jupiter continue to work their wonders in your life. By all rights, you are an unstoppabl­e force; whether you’re a nurse taking care of patients, you play in a symphony orchestra, or anything in between. Put your abundant energy and sharp wits to work, and help hold the world together. JUNE 21-JULY 22 It’s going to be an exciting week as the Moon builds toward full phase (the Full Moon is exact on Nov. 4). Stay on a positive wavelength, start the week off slowly, and gradually build your momentum. You will be amazed what you get done, and how much fun you have doing it. JULY 23-AUG. 22 You will work wonders today if you coordinate a group effort, or crowdsourc­e a project. The Moon in Aquarius (cooperatio­n, loose associatio­ns, friends) harmonizes perfectly with your solar chart, which bestows a Pied Piper quality on you. Be sure to play a happy tune. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 There’s a creative way to work out the financing of a project, though it’ll require more than you going it alone. You possess the idea, the gift of being able to express what it is, and the motivation to get it done. From there, you’ll find it easy to get the support of others. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 You can afford to push your luck, at least a little more than you usually do. You can invest more of your resources into what’s important to you, especially if it’s in something of lasting value, or oriented on the future. You have your priorities. Know what they are, and use them consciousl­y. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You seem to be working with two agendas: one you’re talking about, and one that you’re not. Eventually you’ll have to get yourself onto the same page, and open up to anyone you’ve left in the dark. Do this sooner rather than later, before something untrue takes up a life of its own. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 One of your current spiritual projects is letting go of thought patterns that hold you in a negative state of mind. You can do this, and you will; though you’ll need to watch your mind carefully. The moment you think a self-defeating thought of any kind, remind yourself: this need not be. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 When people perceive you in a position of authority, they will often bring all their old baggage about bosses, parents and mean teachers from years ago. Your job is not to take on any of these projection­s. Make sure you have honest, clear transactio­ns with others this week. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 The past exists only in memory. It seems so real. It seems so tangible. Yet it’s far less real than the sky reflected in a lake, or dust particles drifting in a ray of sunlight. Remember that this week. It takes courage to stay present for your own life and your own experience­s, but it’s worth the effort.

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