New York Daily News

Make predators prey


‘She had to physically push him off her.” “He circled the apartment to make sure no one else was there. He grabbed her and got on top of her . . .” “Got naked in front of her with oil and wanted a massage . . .” Take these three chilling accounts from women who say they were cornered by media mogul Harvey Weinstein — then multiply them by 31.

Just weeks after a first few brave women shattered the wall of silence built by seemingly half of Hollywood, an astonishin­g 93 women have stepped forward to share their stories of harassment and bodily violation, most under their names — many of them well known on marquees.

Darryl Hannah. Lupita Nyong’o. Gwyneth Paltrow. Mira Sorvino. On and on and on.

Fourteen say Weinstein raped them, among them “Sopranos” actress Annabella Sciorra, who says he pushed into her Manhattan apartment 20 years ago and had her living in fear ever since.

Their accounts congeal into a picture of callous violence and perversion on a previously inconceiva­ble scale, beyond the old low set by Bill Cosby — enabled by cash payoffs, gossip column smear campaigns, the victims’ own fears of career consequenc­es and a conspiracy of other secret-keepers protecting a king of the industry that feeds them.

Then there are Weinstein’s high-priced lawyers, who prepostero­usly insist every last contact was consensual.

What really happened in these rooms remains secret no more. And no longer, two years after Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance sloughed off a caught-on-tape confession by Weinstein that he’d groped a model, ought there to be any question that law enforcemen­t is eyeing the maximum consequenc­es the criminal statutes allow.

In London, Scotland Yard is investigat­ing 11 assault complaints involving Weinstein. Here in New York, the NYPD is pursuing two reports, one from Lucia Evans, a college student and aspiring actress who told The New Yorker magazine Weinstein forced himself upon her in his offices.

Although the alleged incident took place more than a decade ago, its severity may exempt Weinstein from an unconscion­able statute of limitation­s that requires all but the severest sex crimes charges to be brought within five years.

Also possibly in the realm of New York prosecutio­n are the sick acts described by former TV production assistant Mimi Haleyi, which she says took place in 2006 — the same year that this state lifted the statute of limitation­s on the most serious felony sex assaults.

Cruelly, in so many other instances, remaining archaic time limits on criminal charges and lawsuits alike will prevent justice from being done. New York must lift all such limits on felony sex crimes from now on.

This isn’t only about Weinstein’s past victims, but about those he might prey on in the future — and the targets of countless other predators now being outed. They will roam with impunity until authoritie­s decisively crack down.

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